Subject: Expand your musical mind...

Hey Friend,

First off, sorry about Sunday... I took the day off.

It was the wife’s birthday, so instead of sitting down and writing a message to you, I cooked breakfast. 

Since my wife ALWAYS tells me not to get her anything (and I never listen to her), I wanted to make sure she had as nice a day as possible. Besides, she likes to go out and get her own toys - the chipper/shredder is her favorite right now!

Anyhoo, an article caught my interest I thought I would share wit-choo...

As guitar players, we tend to focus in on the fine details - the chord fingerings and embellishments, the subtleties of vibrato and bends, the techniques that allow us to squeeze some extra speed out of our fingers and tighten up sloppiness.

We love to analyze solos and chord progressions and could work for hours on mastering a favorite riff.

Sometimes we can get so narrowed in on one thing we lose sight of the proverbial "forest for the trees.” All this work is not for the work and practice itself - it is ultimately for the music.

So it’s good to draw back and allow your guitar practicing to gel by giving your mind and ears a new treat. Ideally, you have a chance to sit and enjoy without distractions. That way you fully experience the music as it’s unfolding. 

And the best experience is through a set of good headphones or ear buds.

Being “immersed" with nothing but the music happening can be almost religious in the experience:
  • It feels like the music is in our heads, moving about.
  • You can hear the subtle tracks normally hidden by the distractions around you.
  • You can close your eyes and completely focus on the music.
  • It’s easier to really listen and isolate the instruments.
  • Your start hearing the dynamics and tracks that fill out the body of the music.
Guitar World published a list of 10 epic albums to sit back and listen to with headphones.

As I looked through the list and sampled some of the videos, there were some familiar favorites…
  • Pink Floyd (and I would add "The Wall" to his suggestions)
  • The Beatles
I wasn’t surprised to see Dream Theater on the list, either, but there are groups and albums I’ve never listened to. I’ve made a point to start working through it to add to my sonic inspirations…

Of course, I’m sure you have albums you could add to this list, and I have some suggestions as well. Apologies for all the Youtube ads...

"Love Over Gold" by Dire Straits 

Boston” by Boston 

2112” by Rush 

Tommy” by The Who 

Frankly, these lists don’t make a scratch in the scratch on the surface. There are so many albums out there worthy of listening to, but you typically have to go hunting to find them. They don’t tend to be the albums that radio DJs spin for the masses...

What do you think - what albums would you add to the list? I’m always looking to try new sounds and expand my palate.


Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them downor create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows,if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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