Subject: Down, But Not Out...

Hey Friend,

I apologize. I'm not having a good week.

Besides the job upset and resulting fallout, this mass shooting in Orlando is topping off my cup of pain. It happened eleven miles away from my house...

This little cocktail of anxiety and depression is not mixing well...

I don't have any animosity towards the gay community. I don't agree with their lifestyle choices, and I don't really want (or need) to know what those choices are. I don't appreciate the overt displays in the media and by gay activists forcing me to "accept" their lifestyle. I don't flaunt my heterosexuality in front of you - don't flaunt your homosexuality in front of me...

However, as far as I'm concerned, live and let live. It's your life - live it how you want as long as you're letting me live my life in the manner I choose. "Can't we all just get along?"

And as far as support, let's not make this a gay thing. We're people first, dammit. Minority groups seem to want to draw attention to their cause when things like this happen. But this event is much bigger than gay rights or whatever. It's a human tragedy first and foremost.

The vigils taking place and planned - these should be about the human loss, not the gay loss. 

And as far as the animal that did this, he got off way too easy. The real kicker is that the government knew about him. Just like they knew about the Boston bombers. Makes you wonder, doesn't it...

I gotta go before I start heading into dangerous waters.

I'm sorry again for the rant. I'll get myself straightened out...


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Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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