Subject: Dorian Exercises

Hey Friend

How did yesterday’s exercises go? Any problems? 

I know that index to middle finger stretch over two frets can be “fun,” especially if you happen to have smaller hands or shorter fingers. But it’s not impossible, and there are plenty of famous guitarists who have done just fine with the same challenge you might experience.

Just work it out. Overwhelm and overcome, right?

I’m sending you the Dorian mode today. We’re still in the key of C major, and we’re going to be playing the same notes, but as the second mode (II), the starting note is D, not C. 

I also wanted to remind you that these mode patterns are moveable. So as you’re learning them, take time to focus on the finger placement for each pattern. 

For example, let’s say that you wanted to play the Ionian mode of the key of A major. Instead of starting the pattern at the eighth fret (the C note) of the sixth string, you would start at the fifth fret of the sixth string. Use the same Ionian pattern and you’ll have the A major scale laid out.

Now some of you might be thinking, “Davey, these exercises are great and all, but I’m not really interested in just playing boring old scales!’

You’re right - I feel ya. 

I used to think playing these patterns was boring until I realized my fingers were starting to automatically go to the right frets based on what my ears were hearing me play. I’m still not 100% in my accuracy, but when I’m noodling, looking for interesting sounds and riffs, my fingers remember where they need to go.

The repetitive playing of these patterns cements the mind/muscle connections. Before you know it, you start to amaze yourselves with your fingers going to the correct frets based on the key you’re playing in.

If you take these exercises slowly and play through them deliberately, really focus on what you’re playing, you’ll make very real progress quickly. 

Okay, here are the exercise files. 

We’re gonna head out today and visit the Audobon Center for Birds of Prey. This is one of those hidden treasures most people visiting Orlando won’t notice. Disney and Universal kinda have a corner on the tourist market! 

Anyhoo, have a great one!



P.S. Did you happen to notice the little tiny numbers next to the notes in the exercises? Those tell you which finger to use for that note - index in 1, middle is 2, ring is 3 and pinky is 4.
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Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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