Subject: Don't Mind Me, Just Weighing Justice...

Hey Friend,

Since I am doing my duty as a United States citizen today and showing up for jury selection, I decided yesterday to reflect a little on the rights we have as free people.

Generally speaking, there's no one telling us we can't listen to the music we like. There's no one telling us we can ONLY play guitar as long as it's classical music. We get to choose.

If you like folk, great! You can play it to your heart's content.

Full on Metal junkie? No problem - bang your head!

It's hard to believe there are some places in the world where you CAN'T make your own choice about something as personal as music.

I'm just glad I was born in a country where personal freedom is still considered a fundamental right.

We all have opinions, and we all like different things.

We may not agree on what the best style of music is, and that's okay. We don't have to agree.

I just hope we can all agree to be tolerant of other peoples choices.

There's a lot stuff going on that I don't agree with, but I'm more about live and let live. If you're not forcing your way of life on me, if you're not taking advantage of other people and you're not doing things that are going to put me and the people I care about in danger, then I say "fly, be free!"

If you're living your life and you happen to be doing something that you know is against the law and you get busted, you made that choice. Take responsibility and pay the dues...

It's pretty simple - as my old platoon sergeant used to say at the end of every Friday morning formation, "Don't do dumb things."

Wise words to live by. If everyone lived by this simple idea, there'd be less need for citizens to have to be exposed to other people's dirty laundry...

But I digress...

Be like the other smart people who want to learn to play rock guitar - get your hands on Easy Power Chords today. Unless you're already comfortable with all the open and barre chords, power chords will get you there faster.

And I can tell you - even though I was already good at full barre chords, power chords have added a dynamic to my playing I didn't know existed.

Here's the link to check out Easy Power Chords. See you there!


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