Subject: Do You Remember?

Hey Friend,

My sister whacked me "upside the head" with a wave of nostalgia...

She texted me with a little picture of a wooden spoon and the following caption...

"Weapon of A$$ Destruction"

I rolled out on that!

How many of you had a mom or grandmother that would only have to reach for the wooden spoon to straighten your butt out?

I remember my mom chasing my younger brother around the kitchen to give him a much deserved fanny-tanning. It's funny, I don't remember Mom coming after me with it, though. Maybe she was inspired by my dads use of the "Board of Education," (a fraternity paddle) on me.

Isn't that why there's a nice fleshy area on our backsides - for re-education?

Yeah, we got into our fair share of trouble - nothing too serious that a little corporal punishment didn't correct. And we were better for it.

I'm not going to get into the whole spanking debate - I got a good whoopin' when I needed it and I can sit just fine these days. Probably kept me from getting into worse trouble. And I knew my parents loved me enough to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Hindsight is a great thing, right?

Teaches you a bunch of stuff that would have been a lot more handy if you knew it while you were deep in the thick of the battle (whatever that battle happened to be).

That's why, if you're a smart cookie, you listen to the voice of experience.

Other people have been down the road you're trying to travel. Regardless of what you want to do, someone else has done it - or something very close to it.

It's called having wisdom - using the experience of other people to help you succeed, rather than trying to figure it all out on your own.

That's why you're here - to get help with your guitar playing. Smart!

I'm not gonna lie - it takes work and practice to achieve any amount of success with guitar. Yes, your fingers will be sore. Yes, there are times when you feel like you can't possibly make that chord change or clean up that guitar lick.

But you will, if you continue to work on it. There really are no ceilings, just limits you set on yourself.

I'm telling you - if chords are your challenge, Easy Power Chords can help you past that struggle. They are a short cut to mastering barre chords and some of the more challenging open chords (like F major). They get used all the time in major Rock songs. They make you sound like you know what you're doing!

And they'll give you some fast success. You can find Easy Power Chords here.


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