Subject: Do You Like It Spicy?

Hey Friend,

So how does a song writer decide which chords should be in a song? 

It could be dependent on a number of things, or nothing at all. There really is no "right " way to begin writing a song. 

Some writers sit down with their guitar or piano and just start playing a chords or a couple notes to see where it goes (this tends to be me a lot of times). 

Other writers have an idea in their head and sit down with an instrument to flesh it out (I do this, too). 

Then there are those that write based on a lyric or melody, or even an emotion. These folks tend to be very well-versed in how certain pitches in a key evoke the strongest emotions that fit within the theme of the song idea.

They can take a song from one emotional area to another in the span of a chord and a note or two. They're also extremely capable of twisting the lyrical content combined with the melody and harmony to lead the listener down a path, even if that listener didn't want to take that route.

This is one of the strongest arguments for the study of music theory - to learn the craft of emotional manipulation. 

I know that sounds bad, and I don't mean in a negative way, but that's what music is. Emotional Manipulation.

Think about any movie you've gone to see.

In nearly every movie, there is a soundtrack that helps to drive the impact of the visuals and dialog. The music changes based on events in the movie, matching the visual cues to lead you to feel certain ways. If there's a chase scene, the music is fast, rising and falling to create intensity. 

And how many times have you sat on the verge of tears watching a scene where the hero loses someone, or worse, falls. Think about the music playing on the periphery and how it triggers the emotions you're feeling for the character on-screen.

In fact, there's only one movie I remember that was interesting because of a lack of music for most of it. Removing the music was very effective in creating the ambiance of the film. That movie is "Cast Away," with Tom Hanks. The lack of music creates an emptiness - a stark contrast to the normal film experience.

Musical Spice

Think of the musical soundtrack like spices a chef adds to a recipe. The dish might look great, but if it's bland and tasteless, it won't matter how good it looks - people's gonna spit it out!

Without the right combination of spices, there is no aroma to create that mouth-watering sensation. There's no flavor to excite the taste buds.

Music link visual with emotional. Producers use music to influence what the audience should feel in a scene.

Music pulls us into the scene and includes us in the experience. We're not just bystanders at that point - we're engaged. That's the job of the song writer - to include the listener in the experience and make them feel like they're living it.

You love specific songs because of the emotional connection you make to them. They add a dynamic to your experience and become part of your history. Many times a song that played during a significant event in your life turns into a favorite - or one you avoid. Songs become a trigger for the emotions we had during those times.

We started looking at basic chords that fit into a key. Tomorrow, we'll begin using those chords to create some chord progressions.

Some might think you can't get the same emotional impact using power chords because you're limited to two notes per chord. They are called POWER chords for a reason, ya know!

Even though power chords only have the root and fifth notes, they still pack a punch. When you combine the use of a solid melody, harmonic riffs and lyrics, power chords can change the listening experience from "meh" to "Hell, yeah!" 

You've got a ton of power chord options to choose from when you write out your progression. You'll be surprised to see how many options when you check out Easy Power Chords today.


Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them down or create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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