Subject: Discipline For Success

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Hey there Friend,

Well, this week has turned out to be a repeat of last week... I've run out of week before I could get everything done that needed done.

Part of that is due to my trip. We returned home Tuesday, flying from Tampa, Florida and its relatively good weather back to frigid temperatures and snow in Ohio. Hard to believe winter is here already!

I had to go to work on Wednesday and have been slowly catching up on things, but there was a pretty big pile of stuff to sort through, so if you emailed me, I haven't forgotten about you. TGIF!

With Thanksgiving (and Black Friday) and the holidays right around the corner, I thought I would ask - is anyone going to take advantage of all the sales going on to get some new gear?

If you're anything like me, you've signed up for all sorts of email to hear about sales from your favorite stores. I've been getting a steady stream of notifications about the newest Gibsons and Fenders, recording gear and software, even specials on services to promote music.

With all retailers looking to boost their bottom line this season, it could be a good time to think about buying gear you might have been putting off. By keeping a close eye on sales, you could end up saving a significant amount of money compared to what normal pricing is.

Of course the down side of seeing all these deals is that they come during a time when we've turned our thoughts to family and buying gifts - "Do I get Mom the sweater or buy that sweet Les Paul?"

Of course I get Mom the sweater - I'm not completely self-absorbed!

Discipline for Success

Seriously, if you don't want to repeat this cycle year after year, consider starting a savings account dedicated to your gear purchases. You can add to the fund every week or month and save up for the this time of year when you can get great deals.

There are many financial planners that suggest you save the first ten percent of you earnings to build your retirement nest egg. Why not do the same for investing into your musical endeavors?

It doesn't have to be ten percent; it could be your spare change every week. But starting a discipline of savings to fund your creative needs will serve you well.

Having a cache of money to pay for new strings, cables, or even bigger ticket items allows your musical activities to be somewhat self-supportive. Rather than having to dig into personal savings or the family budget to buy a new "toy" (as your significant other might view it), you've taken care of the question before it even becomes an argument.

Musicians aren't known for having mad business skills, but the truth is successful musicians do have these skills and disciplines. In fact, it's the business skills that not only helped them get successful, but also remain successful. That and they have a really good team working for them!

Getting successful starts with developing simple disciplines - basic systems that ensure success each time you employ them. Scale patterns. Chord shapes. A practice routine (system). A basic formula for a song. A savings plan for your gear (a budget?).

The methods for getting successful work for anything you want to do. If what you want to do has been done before, you can follow the same steps to reach the same goal.

The path will not be the same, you'll certainly encounter different challenges along the way and your success won't be identical to anyone else's, but the methods to get there will work.

And it starts with simple discipline.

If you're on your way to reaching your goals, awesome! If you're struggling, take some time to stop and analyze what you're doing. Make a commitment to yourself to buckle down and do the basic things that need done.

Daily. Consistently.

These things become habits, and habits lead to growth (good habits, of course).

Have yourself a great weekend. We'll talk again next week.



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

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