Subject: Crunch Time...

Hey Friend,

Today is the day. I'm retaking the evil "Dread Microsoft Exam" this afternoon.

My human nature is getting the best of me right now as I cram. While the nerves are kicking in to overdrive, I'm hearing "Hang on Sloopy" in my head. I just have to keep it together until I finish the d@mn thing.

SIDE NOTE: Did you know this was Rick Derringer's first hit song? He's much better know for this one... Here he is with the great Edgar Winter - "Rock and Roll, Hoochie Koo"

It's like getting ready for an audition. You study the songs, learn the parts and practice. You can do everything in your power to be prepared, but in the end, all the prep work only gets you so far. It's the final execution that matters.

Well, no sense dwelling on the negative side of it and worrying about what is to come. All I can do is the preparation, and hope for a new batch of exam questions that fall more in line with all the study materials I've been pouring over.

There are even exam questions on M$ technologies that Microsoft itself is dumping. When they dump a technology, I have to wonder if it's because they couldn't get customers to use it. If that's the case, why do I have to know it for a test?

No sense over-thinking it. I just have to show up and click through and hope for the best. Pray that the Universe lines me up a good batch of questions and my brain is firing on all cylinders.

With that, time to get back to the studying...

We'll return to our regular scheduled "Rock Guitar Show" tomorrow.



P.S. Are you in a crunch? Need to learn some new songs quickly? Learn and use Easy Power Chords to get you rockin' today.
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