Subject: Coming To Grips

Hey Friend,

Yesterday I talked about needing to focus on one goal in order to make your dream come true.If you thought about it for even a brief moment, you most likely realized that dream hunting comes with real sacrifice.

There's opportunity cost (if your busy doing one thing, other things that need your attention suffer) in everything you do. Since science hasn't developed an instant cloning device, we can only be in one place at a time performing only one thing at a time. Would that we could assign tasks to our clones so we could focus on our main thing!

How can you fit all the daily activities into your life and still make time to pursue your dream?

Seriously, how do you do it?

I want to know. I'm pretty sure you have it more together than I do!

It's not like you can stop taking care of yourself, or going to a job so you can pay the bills.

The reality is that you can't get everything done. This is the single major stumbling block for me.

I want to accomplish all the tasks and steps on my daily list. I want to progress every day towards MY goals, not the tasks that demand I spend time for an eventual outcome I don't care about.

But how to prioritize?

How to decide which one is most important and focus my attention on it until I achieve it while everything else sits in the queue waiting for me come back to it?

Organizing and prioritizing isn't a simple subtraction problem. It's a complex Calculus problem with a sh!t-ton of variables. And I don't remember any of the Calculus I did in college!

But that is life in a nutshell.

We all have to do stuff we don't like or care about.

Or do we?

Isn't that what Steve Jobs talked about in his 2005 commencement speech to the Stanford graduating class?

He said you've got to find what you love.

A simple idea, but not at all easy to do.

It IS far too easy to go with the flow of what life brings you.

That's how I ended up here. Believing there was a place for me in normal corporate America. Letting employers determine my career path and my worth. Me of all people! I knew enough about myself growing up that I'm not a "ready-to-wear" type, I'm a custom fit. And I'm unemployed to prove it!

I think Jobs' statement "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" is the one having the most impact on me right now. It's forcing me to think through what I want right now.

My hope for you is that you are living the life you have always wanted. That guitar is a passion for you and that you enjoy it every day. That you're not letting life get the best of you - that you're getting the best of life!

If you're not loving your life right now, re-evaluate. Figure out what you want. It's not an easy process - I'm a testament to that. But I keep the tiny little flame glowing. I protect it and try to feed it every chance I get.

I'm gonna crack this nut one way or another. You can,too.

Ya just have to get some sass in your life!



Get some sass for your guitar playing with Easy Power Chords. You'll be rockin' the house the same day!
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