Subject: Classic Tones

Hey Friend,

Barring any crazy nautical emergencies, we've gotten back to Florida and are driving home. 

I found another cool article you might enjoy in my absence.

Some of the most iconic guitar tones in history came out of the 70s, and both Pink Floyd and Rush had a knack for creating songs that captured our imaginations and fueled our Rock star dreams.

Back in the day, it wasn’t easy to find out how David Gilmore (Pink Floyd) and Alex Lifeson (Rush) got their guitar tone, but today, with the internet, it’s fairly easy to learn about artist’s equipment.

Premier Guitar does its “Rig Rundowns” so you can learn what gear an artist uses during their live performances (at least for that show/tour). There are even web sites and forums that dedicate themselves to recreating the tones from songs.

This Guitar World article talks about two songs - “Shine on You Crazy Diamond” and “Red Barchetta." It lists both the original equipment and how you can coax similar tones out of modern gear. 

There are Youtube videos for both songs so you can hear them in their entirety.

If you dig either one of those songs, check out the list. I found it interesting to note that in both cases there were Hiwatt amps involved. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised - Hiwatt’s been making Rock amps for a long time. I just don’t see them referred to much. 

But that was the 70’s, and Hiwatt had a lot of big names using their gear then.

I’ll check in tomorrow once we get settled back at home. Rock on!


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