Subject: Chaos Theory... It's Not Working For Me

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Hey Friend,

This week has been an exercise in looking for little wins amidst the total disorganization that is my house right now. For those of you that are new, I just moved my family from Ohio to Florida - further proof that I am slightly (or full-on) crazy!

I thought by the time I sat down to write this message, I'd have some semblance of order in my life, but that's not the case... 

I cannot find anything. I have not touched a guitar for a week other than to move it to a safe location away from the construction zone we're living in. Yes, the house needs a complete remodeling, including roof, hot water heater, floors, electrical panel, kitchen, bathrooms, etc. 

We have tons of potential for sure, but the chaos and list of projects is a bit overwhelming.

Some scientists subscribe to the theory of chaos... That insignificant actions can cause unpredictable events. I'm sure you're heard of the "butterfly effect" - that the flapping wings of a butterfly could result in a hurricane thousands of miles away. 

Guitar Chaos

Many guitar players approach guitar in a similar manner. They sit down to "practice" by merely picking up their guitar and playing whatever comes to mind at the moment. It's a random, "fling mud at a wall and see what sticks" sort of plan. Anti-plan?

While it can be really satisfying (and liberating) to just sit and play, there's a time and place for everything. Daily practice time should have some structure to it. You should take a few minutes each week to list out the exercises you're going to work on (like scales or memorizing the fingerboard) and make sure that during your practice time you focus efforts on those exercises.

I'm not saying the entire time has to be spent in strict practice mode. Music is meant to be fun and I think it's a good idea to try learning a new song or two every week. But taking the chaotic approach to learning how to play well is going to leave you feeling like you're in a rut.

As with any great endeavor in life, at some point we have to make a disciplined effort to reach a working level of competence. It's a decision we make to change from the "wing it" mentality to the concentrated approach. 

I'm no scientist, but chaos doesn't seem to be doing anything more for me than creating more chaos! I think I'll stick to a plan to make progress around here - and in my guitar playing skills! Keep on rockin'! 


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