Subject: C# Minor as the Vm Chord

Hey Friend,

Let’s see what’s in the bag of tricks for today…

Oh yes, looks like we’re up to the C# Minor chord, the Vm chord in the F# minor harmonic progression.

I         II°  III IVm  Vm   VI VII
F#m G#° A  Bm  C#m  D  E 

C# minor is built using the C#, E and G# notes (the 1 3 5 notes) from the C# minor scale:

1     2   3  4   5   6  7  (8)
C# D# E F# G# A  B (C#)

Not to beat a dead horse, but these same three notes are also part of the F# minor scale, so the C# minor chord fits perfectly into the harmonic progression.

1     2  3  4   5   6  (8)
F# G# A  B C#E (F#)

The exercises should be straightforward. Use the intro exercises to familiarize yourself with the chord, then the positions to learn where on the neck you can play the C#m shapes.Then try out the barre chords (or at least the power chords).

I have to admit I’m running on low batteries today. The weekend’s work took its toll (we refinished a bath tub and installed 1.5 bathroom vanities), and last night’s sleep did not refresh me. I could use another 40 winks!

Hopefully as the day goes on, I’ll shake the grogginess off and get myself together. It is Monday, though... ;-)


Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them down or create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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