Subject: C# Minor Positions

Hey Friend,

Carrying over from chord intro yesterday, C# minor shows up in six different keys - three major and three minor. No surprises here - that C# major key is still pretty ugly...

The Major Keys:

Key  I    IIm     IIIm   IV    V   VIm    VII°
A     A   Bm    C#m   D    E    F#m   G#°
B     B   C#m  D#m   E    F#  G#m   A#°
C#  C#  D#m  E#m   F#  G#  A#m   B#°
And The Minor Keys:

Key     Im      II°   III     IVm     Vm   VI   VII
C#m   C#m  D#°  E     F#m    G#m  A     B
F#m   F#m   G#°  A     Bm     C#m   D    E
G#m   Gm    A#°  B     C#m    D#m  E    F#

Now here's a little something that IS out of the ordinary - C#m has twelve different shapes and positions you can use. Up until now, the most we've had is eleven simple triads to work with.

C# minor gives us four of each inversion. In the PDF, I've listed them in this order: root, first and second. Just to remind you, root inversion triads have a note order of 1 3 5 from the scale that birthed them (in this case, C# major). First inversion triads take the scale notes and line them up in 3 5 1 order, meaning when you strum downward, the notes you'll play in order are 3 5 1

Second inversions have a note order of 5 1 3. For us Rockers, second inversion chords tend to be the most common that we use, mainly because we play a lot of barre/power chords.

As with most of the chord we've seen so far, none of these are particularly difficult to play. Some can be a little awkward, but you shouldn't have too much trouble with them.

The challenges come up when working some of these shapes into your routine. You have to get your fingers used to the shape first. After you can form the shape consistently, you must get your fingers used to making chord changes - one chord songs don't usually go too far!

The exercises are straightforward, but as always, should you have questions, just hit reply to this email.

C#m Positions PDF
C#m Positions MP3

You can right-click these links and choose "save link as" to download them to your computer.

Time to do the Friday happy dance... oh wait. Still have to make it to 5 o'clock. Anyway, I'm still happy it's Friday! See ya...


Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them down or create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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