Subject: B Minor 2

Hey Friend,

Picking up from where I fell down yesterday, I mentioned that B major is notes B, D# and F#, but I didn't explain it out. 

Even though we're focused on the key of G major and looking at the harmonic progression (the basic chords that work naturally in the key), we need to remember that each individual chord is based  on a scale other than the one that comes with the key we're studying.

Yes, the notes we need to form a B minor chord are found in the G major scale, but the B minor chord is constructed from the B major scale. Let's look at that quickly:

B  C#  D#  E  F#  G#  A#  (B)

So only two notes from this scale are natural - B and E. The rest are sharp. As you can see, the three notes making up a B major chord are B, D# and F#. To make the chord minor, you flatten the three note (D#). On guitar, that means moving that finger down one fret, so in the case of B minor, the note at the second string, fourth fret gets lowered to the third fret, making the note D instead of D#.

That's why B minor fits in the key of G major. Here are its notes again:

G  A  B  C  D  E  F#  (G)

Of course, B minor shows up in some other keys. Here are all six...

There are three major keys where you find the B minor chord. They are G major, A major and D major.

Key  I   IIm   IIIm   IV   V   VIm   VII°
  G   G  Am   Bm   C    D    Em   F#°
  A   A   Bm  C#m  D   E    F#m  G#°
  D   D   Em   F#m  G   A    Bm   C#°
There are also three minor keys, which are B minor, E minor and F# minor:

Key   Im    II°    III   IVm   Vm   VI   VII
Em    Em   F#°  G    Am   Bm    C    D
F#m  F#m G#°  A    Bm   C#m  D    E
Bm    Bm  C#°  D    Em   F#m   G    A

Another interesting point when looking at the keys. There are relative major and minor keys. What that means is for every major key, there is a minor key that has the same notes. They are relatives - by blood, not marriage. Think of it like them having the same DNA.

G major's relative minor key is E minor. If you look at the charts above, you'll see that the notes are the same. Only the starting point has changed.

Gotta go into the office early today, so it's time for me to shut it down. Here is the exercise file for the B minor introduction. Enjoy!


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Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

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Video Surgeon
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Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
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