Subject: Another bird has flown...

Hey Friend,

I was cleaning up my email inbox over the weekend and caught a message from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Ed King, former guitarist for Lynyrd Skynyrd, passed away August 22nd.

Now Mr. King’s name might not register with you, much like it didn’t with me, because he wasn’t a Van Zant, or a Rossington or Collins.

He obviously didn’t die in the 1977 plane crash that took founder Ronnie Van Zant and Steve and Cassie Gaines.

He also wasn’t a founding member of Lynyrd Skynyrd and had already left the band by the time the infamous plane crash occurred...

What will register with you is that Ed King was responsible for the opening riff of “Sweet Home Alabama.”

We all know the iconic intro to the song, whether you’re more familiar with the Kid Rock usage of the riff or the original Skynyrd version. 

Turns out he was quite a songwriter, as he also co-wrote “Saturday Night Special.” Ed King contributed heavily to the band’s first three albums. He also helped revive the band in 1987.

Upon hearing about his death, though, it brought back a special memory for me.

I was a young guitarist and singer, playing in my first band. Our set list included the obligatory Skynyrd songs “Free Bird" and "Sweet Home Alabama” - they were good jam tunes to fill up six or seven minutes of set time each.

My cousin happened to be passing through town on this one particular day of rehearsal, so she and her boyfriend came to practice to hear us play. 

Well, for some reason when I got to the chorus to sing “… sweet home Alabama…” I must have gotten a shock from the microphone, because I blurted out "Ala-BAM-a."

My cousin thought it was hilarious - maybe the way my phrasing matched up with the bass drum and really accentuated the “BAM”… But every time I see her, that’s the one thing that sticks in her mind. 

I guess you had to be there. No one else thinks it’s all that funny, but hey, it’s my memory - get your own!

Anyway, you know the song. No doubt if you’re a Rock guitarist who’s been around a bit, you’ve played (or at least messed around with) the opening riff of the song.

So I wanted to pay a little tribute to the man that gave us this gem. Music Row did a nice piece on him - you should check it out. Rock on! 


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