Subject: Another One Bites The Dust

Hey Friend,

Happy February 1st.

Where the heck did January go?!

I'm sitting here in my chair and I can't believe we're into the second month of 2016. Freddie Mercury said it best...

"... and another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust..."

We're on a runaway train heading straight into the future, and for a lot of us, we have no clue where that train is going. We get so busy just living that we never give a second thought to where our life is going.

I'm talking about goals. Maybe you prefer the term "bucket list."

Do you know what it is you want to get out of your time here on Earth? Is there something you want to accomplish, or are you just taking it one day at a time?

If you're just flowing day by day with wherever the current of life is going, I hate to say it, but you're wasting your days here.

Take this for what it's worth - a little jolt of reflection to remind you the world keeps turning regardless of what you or I do. Or don't do.

I'm looking in the mirror - are you? This ain't "the pot calling the kettle black!"

What do you want out of life?

What do you want to do?

Where do you want to go?

Who do you want to meet?

There are some really cool people out there that have done amazing things in the world, but as we've seen last month, no one lives forever. We lost a number of movers-and-shakers in the Rock world - people that made real marks on millions of people. David Bowie. Glenn Frey (the Eagles). Paul Kantner (Jefferson Airplane/Starship).

If you ever wanted to meet one of those people, that time is past. The opportunity is gone.

Look, I don't mean to be morbid, but the time is now for us to kick it into gear and make some things happen.

I think a lot of the time we make things too complicated, and that gets us sidetracked. We get lost in the details and forget to "keep the main thing the main thing."

We don't have a "singleness of purpose." We get distracted easily. And it's killing our goals - which means it's killing our dreams!

Look , I know you have dreams. I know you want to accomplish something with playing guitar or you wouldn't be here. Whether it's to be able to enjoy playing in your own living room or it's to entertain millions around the world, the starting point is the same. You have to master the fundamentals.

It doesn't have to be complicated. But we as humans tend to like to complicate things.

So let's make a deal. I promise that I'm going to try to keep things as simple as I can teaching you the fundamentals of chords in The Chord Clinic. Yes, there will be challenges, but if I keep it simple and understandable, you'll know how and what to do to play every chord you'll ever need in Rock, Blues or Country music.

Promise me that you'll keep me to it. If I go off on tangents that don't make sense, you'll let me know. This is going to be a partnership - you and me.

A great way to start off "keepin' it simple" is power chords. Two notes played together - can't make chords any simpler that two notes! Easy Power Chords shows you tons of these two note chords. And ways to double up each power chord (two sets of each note) for some sonic range.

The power chord is a beast. Mastering them will get you playing music quickly. When you can play these chords, you're going to reach your musical goals faster. Maybe, just maybe, having that little bit of clarity in one part of your life will help you knock out some of your other goals. Check out Easy Power Chords today.



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