Subject: Action Produces Results.

Hey Friend,

I subscribe to a number of daily email services that talk about success and business. Every day there are nuggets of wisdom coming from people who have created a level of success for themselves. I'm trying to learn from their examples - their mistakes and their successes.

A common theme that bubbles up frequently is the need to take action.

Goals and plans and task lists and organization are necessary, but at the end of the day, if no action is taken on those plans, you're starting on square one the next day.

Ya Gotta Move...

Ideally, you're stepping up and doing something tied to your most important goal - your number one thing.

But sometimes you get stopped cold because you second-guess yourself about that main goal, or which task to start with. Heck, you might be completely stalled at STEP ONE, which is picking the number one goal!

Picking a focus is a big deal. A Big Deal.

It's a real challenge to limit yourself to one area , especially when you don't really have any idea how long it will take or what actions you'll have to take along the way. It can feel like you're going to lose out on everything else while you pursue the Big Number One.

Truth is, you might. The road to success isn't as pretty as the after stories lead you to believe. There are bodies left along that road. The bodies of habits you had to give up, or things you thought you wanted that have lost their importance. And what about the dreams you put on the side so you could focus on Number One? They may have lost their shine.

These are scary and potentially sad realities of pursuing success, but there isn't one success story out there that doesn't have a history of setbacks and challenges to overcome.

We humans don't like to jump out on faith. The unknown is a scary place. We like to have knowns, guarantees and safety precautions.

And yet we have examples all around us of people that DID take the leap without a net. And succeeded.

That doesn't mean they didn't fail along the way to reaching their goals. It means they didn't quit after meeting with failure. When those people failed, they got up, dusted off, licked their wounds and got back to pursuing the goal. Through action - movement toward the goal.

And the key to action is having one thing to do right now. Otherwise, there's a choice to make.

It's better to remove the choice and get to work.

If you get your one thing done and still have time, great. You can do the next thing in line. Or you can reward yourself with a little somethin' somethin' to celebrate your accomplishment. It's up to you.

So how to apply this to guitar? Let's take action on one thing today.

I want you to select one song that you want to learn.

Pick a simpler song for this exercise - see if you can limit yourself to a song that uses only three or four chords.
If not, you can break the song down into its sections and learn each section by itself before combining them. A slow to medium speed tempo is best, without too many chord changes.

That's all I want you to do - select a song you want to learn. One thing.

I'll tell you what to do with the song tomorrow.

Now you know we're going to be talking about chords with these songs. You might choose a song that ends up having an F or B chord in it. If you haven't learned barre chords yet, now would be a good time to get the Easy Power Chords ebook.

In it I show you how to easily play power chords you can substitute for barre chords. Using power chords allows you to get the songs down and learn the rhythmic flow without getting frustrated by barre chord fingering. You can order Easy Power Chords right here.


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