Subject: A Minor Barre Chords

Hey Friend,

Today is an easy day. You only have one barre chord to deal with. That's because the A minor in the open position already uses the nut as its barre. So we'll have fun with the chord in the fifth position and then review the open chord.

The root 6 barre chord for A minor is located at the fifth fret. Again, we're basing the shape on the open E chord, in this case making the 3 note a minor third. Playing through the strings gives you notes A, E, A and C (with strings two and one playing notes E and A, respectively).

As you know, the root 6 barre chord is a second inversion, so the note order is 5 1 3m.

The exercises line it out for you and show the fingering.

If we were to play a root 5 version of this chord, we would either have to barre the first five strings at the twelfth fret, or just play an A minor chord in the open position. Which would you rather do? Yeah, me too.

So you've already seen the breakdown for open A minor a couple days ago. We're using the A chord shape, but with a minor third note. It is also a second inversion chord with note order 5 1 3m.

I 'spose if you want to play the chord at the twelfth fret, you can... Just barre strings one through five at the twelfth fret, then add on the A minor shape you'd normally play at the first position (notice how this looks like an E shape chords?). I'm just saying there are plenty of other options for you instead of playing all the way up at the twelfth...

Alright, nothing earth-shattering today. Y'all have a good day - Hump Day!! 


Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
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Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
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