Subject: A Major Barre Chords

Hey Friend,

You've got it easy today - only one true barre chord to deal with!

The open A chord is already in the root 5 barre chord position, so no need to switch it up. Just finger the A chord and strum from the fifth string (A) down through the high E string (first string).

If you want to practice it as a barre chord, feel free to slide up to the twelfth fret and barre strings one through five to start. Then add your ring finger barred across the second, third and fourth strings of the fourteenth fret. Easy on an electric guitar, but not so easy on an acoustic.

Let's be honest though - you're not going to see that chord called for. There are plenty of other options for the A major chord. You saw eleven of them yesterday, and those don't include variations that have muted strings between chord notes. 

I purposely don't show you all the various chord fingerings you could use. There are dozens - for every chord! I only want you looking at ones that you can easily play. By the time you need some of the other chord voicings, you won't need me anymore...

The root 6 barre chord (using the E shape from the CAGED system) is found at the fifth position on the low E string (that's the thick string, AKA the sixth string). Barre all six strings at the fifth fret with your index finger and then add an E major chord with your middle finger on the sixth fret, third string, your ring finger on the fifth string seventh fret and your pinky on the fourth string, seventh fret.

The hardest part about this chord is keeping your index finger pressed against all six strings so they all sound clear. If that's a challenge, try adjusting your thumb position on the back of the guitar neck to allow your index finger to roll to the edge a tiny bit. Sometimes you have to adjust your finger orientation or bend your wrist a little more to accommodate the fingering.

We're all physically different, so you have to find the best and most comfortable finger/hand positions for you. It would be easy for me to coach you through some of the struggles if we were sitting together, but alas, we are not.

That's why I put four bars of the barred strings in the exercise - so you can practice barring the strings and strengthening your "pinch" between the thumb and your index finger. The muscles in your hand between the thumb and forefinger have to be exercised to build up your strength and endurance. There are songs that use barre chords exclusively, so consider this your "basic training" -


Trust me, this is a lot more fun than actual Army "basic training." I let you keep your hair!

That's all for this fine FRIDAY. Come on, 5 o'clock!


Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them down or create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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