Subject: A Little You Time...

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Hey there Friend,

I apologize right now... this week is a bit light on the message. Between work obligations, some family situations, student lessons, prepping for a trip (flying tomorrow) and everything else that happens during a typical week, I've run out of time!

On  the plus side, a lot of lesson preparation had me working  with my guitar quite a bit, so you won't hear any complaints out of me.

How about you? Have you been good to yourself and spent some quality time with your axe in the woodshed?

When you don't make your living with guitar, sometimes carving out time to play can be... difficult.

I heard a speech this week at my daughter's school function that addressed this challenge. I wouldn't say the speaker was the best I've ever heard, but he made some good points I hope the kids could pick up on. In fact, anyone there, if they were listening, could benefit from what he said.

This guy is a serial entrepreneur. He graduated from my daughter's high school ten years ago and since then has built a number of successful companies.

Since he is involved with all the companies he owns, he's definitely a busy guy. Add on top of that the fact that he's married.

He shared that he had a lifetime goal of getting his pilot's license. You know, one of those things you'd like to do... someday. But life always seems to get in the way.

He also shared that he just achieved that goal.

His point was that despite having  a demanding work and family schedule, he made time to fulfill a personal goal. It wasn't about finding time - it was about making the time do do something important to him.

Life has a habit of eating up every spare second you have. When we're constantly running to get to the next thing on time, it's increasingly easy to completely forget what's important. Day's fill up with the simple act of getting through the day... before you know it we'll be starting a new year!

You could find yourself thirty years from now looking back wondering what the heck happened to the time and why you haven't achieved the things that are important to you.

You don't want that to happen. Believe it or not, life IS too short.

You must (must!) make time to pursue the important things in your life. Family. Health. Personally fulfilling goals.

If guitar is on that list, you might have to make a conscious point to push (shove!) some other stuff out of the way so you can jam. It's called taking control and using discipline to reach your goals.

There's nothing selfish about blocking out time to pursue something personal. We all need time for ourselves. Don't let the the day-to-day of work, chores and time wasting activities steal your goals from you. Even the fun goals!

With the year winding down and the holidays getting ready to fill our schedules with all sorts of activities, make a commitment to yourself that you'll break away for a little guitar time every day. You'd be surprised what even 5 minutes can do for your mental health (or metal health).

Have a great weekend!



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

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