Subject: A Good Petty Tribute

Hey Friend,

Hope you enjoyed the extra sleep due to the time change this morning... I’m glad I got the sleep without losing out on the time! 

That doesn’t mean I wouldn't drop the whole time change thing in a second if that came to pass…

I’ll keep this quick today - got lots of stuff to do, as me and the missus went out Friday night to buy a bunch of baseboard trim for me to install. Joy! Not gonna have much guitar time today…

I did come across a nice write-up about Tom Petty’s career. I’m not sure if you’re a fan, but I like reading anything I can about Rock artists that have had significant and lasting careers.

Anyone who maintains relevance in a field as fickle as music for 40 years is someone worth studying and trying to learn from.

You can check out the Tom Petty tribute here

Have yourself a great one!


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