Subject: 5 Minute Guitar Exercises...

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Hey Friend,

I have to admit, the week got away from me. And honestly, today's message is a bit rushed.

But it's been a heck of a week. Again...

We expected to have kitchen cabinets installed this week. The crew was coming in on Monday to do the demolition, and the cabinets were to be installed Tuesday.

Here we are on Friday and the walls aren't even prepared for the new cabinets. Turns out the demo guys thought they could also do repair after they completely tore the drywall off two walls. They slapped up new drywall, but it looked like the job was done by two four year olds that hadn't learned to color within the lines. Needless to say, I wasn't pleased!

It all got fixed (they brought in a drywall contractor to do it right) and are compensating us for the loss in confidence, but this has definitely taken center stage in my life for the week!

So I told you I would send some exercises over to you this week to complement last week's article.

Last year I took on a monumental task of writing a daily exercise. I call it the Daily 5 Guitar Habit.

The whole idea was to give you something to do for five minutes with your guitar every day. The purpose was to get you in the habit of at least picking it up on a daily basis so you got some practice.

Face it, the longer you go without playing your guitar, the less likely you are to do it... Out of sight, out of mind.

If you're interested in starting a daily regiment of guitar practice, you can still sign up for the series. That's at least one email a day from me for 365 days! I provide down-loadable exercises you can print out as well as audios of how the exercise should sound.

If that sounds like a lot, believe me, it is!

Don't feel bad if you don't feel like you're ready for that kind of commitment.

But if you want to get a daily reminder to do something with your guitar, this is a great place to start!

Here are some of the exercises from that series, just to give you a taste...

Natural Minor scale and exercises
Picking and exercises

OK, gotta go make the donuts... (that's work, for those of you that don't remember the Dunkin' Donuts commercial).

Y'all have a great weekend!


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