Subject: Learning Lab Week of August 5th

Learning Lab Week of August 5th

August 5th, 2019 at 8:01 pm MDT

Week of August 5th, 2019Hi there Friend OK - maybe the most ridiculous National Holiday I have never heard is "National Underwear Day!" I did find it pretty appropriate, however, due to the number of underwear we see as OT practitioners - ...

Learning Lab Week of July 29th

July 29th, 2019 at 7:19 am MDT

Week of July 29th, 2019Hi there Friend This is the "5th week" of the month so there are no additional resources this week, BUT we have had some great discussion in the Facebook Group about the struggles of a difficult Level II Fieldwork. If you are ...

Learning Lab Week of July 15th

July 15th, 2019 at 3:24 pm MDT

Week of July 15th, 2019Hi there Friend First of all, I want to congratulate Lab member, Sarah Grams, for sharing her Wednesday WIN in the Facebook Group last week and winning a *virtual* coffee date on me (she's half way done with her Fieldwork - yaa ...

Learning Lab Week of July 8th

July 8th, 2019 at 5:49 pm MDT

Week of July 8th, 2019Hi there Friend This is one of my favorite weeks of the month in the Lab because I get to do 2 of my favorite things - celebrate your WINS and dig around/share a new journal article to make it soooo easy for you to dig into the ...

Learning Lab Week of July 1st

July 1st, 2019 at 2:02 pm MDT

Week of July 1st, 2019Hi there Friend To everyone in the U.S., Happy 4th of July! I hope your belly will be full of BBQ, corn on the cob and some sort of potato salad, while celebrating with family and friends and enjoying the fireworks - we will be! ...

Learning Lab Week of June 24th

June 24th, 2019 at 12:51 pm MDT

Week of June 24th, 2019Hi there Friend Want to give a HUGE congrats to a few new members this week that are starting new jobs! Alyssa is starting (today!) in inpatient rehab at a level 1 trauma center in Norfolk, Virginia, Nicole is transitioning to ...

Learning Lab Week of June 17th

June 17th, 2019 at 4:43 pm MDT

Week of June 17th, 2019Hi there Friend Yea! Congrats to member Shellie Billings for sharing her Wednesday WIN in the Facebook group and winning a *virtual* coffee date on me (aka gift certificate 😃)So what's new this week? Week 3 of the month incl ...

Learning Lab Week of June 10th

June 10th, 2019 at 8:58 pm MDT

Week of June 10th, 2019Hi there Friend I love the second week of the month - new journal article AND Wednesday WINS! It is so great to celebrate each other's WINs of the month, so be sure to head on over to the Facebook Group and participate this Wed ...

Learning Lab Week of June 3rd

June 3rd, 2019 at 6:18 pm MDT

Week of June 3, 2019Hi there Friend Happy JUNE!! In Colorado it has been raining (and raining and raining and raining) and I am so happy that it finally feels like summer! Also, sunshine means getting patients outside to work toward goals and have so ...

Learning Lab Week of May 27th

May 27th, 2019 at 5:16 pm MDT

Week of May 27, 2019Hi there Friend I am loving the journal article this month! It emphasizes the information on the latest podcast episode about Repetition, Repetition, Repetition and Intensity After a CVA and how we need to applying rehabilitative ...