Subject: 🌿 What would you add?

Hi there Friend

I wanted to give an update on the Learning Lab and ask for your feedback!

I am working on transitioning from and the Learning Lab to a BRAND NEW WEBSITE: and the Membership Community (planning to be active March 31, 2021 🙌).

✅ Same focus on OT practitioners and students working with older adults.

✅ Same payment systems.

✅ Same overall content with some upgrades along the way.

A lot of factors made me decide to make the jump, but a few include:

🌟 Wanting to update the look of the website and membership - with this be able to offer better search, organization, and upgrades to the software!

🌟 Transitioning from using the term "senior" to the more preferred term of "older adult" throughout website content because I believe terms and words matter, ageism is real and if we want to empower our patients, we need to ditch the stereotypes.

I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK - please take <5 minutes to answer 3 anonymous questions so I can better serve YOU - features you would like to see or suggestions on the membership, what's working for you, what's not, etc.

Anyone giving feedback this week has a chance to win a $30 gift certificate to Purpose Therapy Box (sticker packs, OT t-shirts, OT subscription box)!

Tap here to give some amazing feedback!

Click here or the photo ⬇️ below to hear all about the transition and see why I look 😮!

Don't forget to log into the Learning Lab and find unlimited OT treatment ideas, assessments, handouts, resources and more.

THANK YOU for helping me make be the best resource for you!

Keep Spreading the #OTlove.

