The critical thing I want to mention here is the importance of starting a weight loss and workout journal for your weight loss program but also if you want to continue with your healthy lifestyle journey.
While yes, this will take up a bit of your time each day, it will be well worth the effort – trust me on this one.
Keeping a journal will do three things:
#1. It’ll keep you accountable. When you know that you have to write down what you are eating and whether or not you are doing that workout or skipping over it, you’ll be far less likely to just blow that workout session off or go in for that second serving of chocolate cake. This in turn can lead to better results. #2. It provides a means of looking back. As you progress through your journey, you want to figure out what works best for you.
Which foods make you feel energized and healthy and which cause you to feel sluggish?
If you keep a record of how you feel after each meal, you can quickly identify this and get on track to feeling better than ever every single day.
#3. It gives you a source of motivation. In your journal, you should also be including progress pictures taken every 7 days and this will make for a great storyline that you can then reflect back on.
How has your body changed? Sometimes, it’s hard to notice the smaller day to day changes that are occurring, but when you look back over a longer period of time, it becomes very obvious that you are indeed making a progress.
This can give you the boost you need on those days where it feels like you just aren’t seeing the results that you desire.