Subject: Finally!!!😀😀

Restrictions are lifting! Now, get THIS right!

Greetings from Portland!




Yeah - it’s me (Keith) here with more free stuff to share. This time, I want to talk about the pieces of the small / medium business profit puzzle.


Face it, 2020 was ROUGH and 2021 isn’t getting off to a great start. 


Yes, we got more access to money with the government stimulus and bailouts. 


But that cannot go on forever. 


Let’s not forget businesses are still closing due to the pandemic and shutdowns. At this time, around 30% of all small businesses have closed due to the economic chain reaction set in motion one year ago.


It’s clear that businesses must, now more than ever, find the easiest way to sustainable profit.


This is done through proper marketing. Marketing that is well-thought and focused on the target audience does two things: 1. Builds Loyalty with Existing Customers 2. Reaches New Customers.


In turn, when coupled with lean processes and the right people, the profits flow like Multnomah Falls!


Here are the six core marketing strategies every small business must use (and they are affordable).


1.     Search Engine Optimization – people search online before they every buy. SEO pushes you to the top of the searches

2.     Email Marketing – this strategy returns as much as $44 for every $1 spent

3.     Review and Reputation Management – properly managing this strategy can give a business a 25% boost in profits. 94% of businesses using a Reputation Management strategy easily see a positive ROI

4.     Social Media Marketing – optimized accounts with consistent content keeps customers engaged 

5.     Paid Ads – using digital paid ads can get your message to the right people at the right time. Not using paid ads leaves any business vulnerable to customer loss. The business that effectively advertises gets and keeps customers

6.     Branding – small business branding is not an option. A branding strategy showcases your vision, mission, values, and products. Branding creates emotion. Emotion creates a customer.


Visit my website for FREE resources!



Yours in success,



PS: Some of the restaurant owners I know have clearance to increase their occupancy, but people are not wanting to come back to work yet. Are you having issues hiring?


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