Subject: Studies for the Third Sunday in Easter - C - April 14, 2013

Sunday Studies eNotice
Sunday Studies eNotice

Third Sunday in Easter - C - April 14, 2013

Do You Love Me?

Such a simple, yet stinging question. An inquiry that strikes at the heart of any relationship. Do you love me? This is a challenge that cannot be wished away, faked or ignored. It is a question that demands an answer, one of trust and reassurance.

Do you love me? Yes, Lord, we love you. Help us to love each other.



MP3 PODCAST In this week's audio podcast, we investigate the meaning of the word “love.” Love means more than a fuzzy feeling. Love means commitment, and sacrifice.

FIRST READING In Acts 5, Peter and John were put on trial before the Sanhedrin for preaching the Good News. Their answer to the charges was guilt before the officials, but innocence before God. After all, they were doing God's will.

PSALM Psalm 30 celebrated a return to health, the recovery from illness and/or the restoration of the nation.

SECOND READING Revelations 5 presented the praise of the heavenly throng. That praise even included the worship of nature itself. All creation hailed the Father and the Son, the enthroned Lamb.

GOSPEL In John 21, Jesus appears to Peter with a question: “Do you love me?” Love, in this context, meant devotion to the followers of the Lord, even to the point of death.

CHILDREN'S READINGS In the story for the first reading, competitive Sally stood up to a cheat in a kick ball game. She suffered for her convictions, just like Peter and John did when they proclaimed the Good News. In the story for the gospel, Judy promised to visit her grandmother. When she wavered, her grandmother asked a simple question: “Do you love me?” That question changed Sally, in the same way it changed Peter. It made both understand the responsibilities of love.

CATECHISM LINK In this week's Catechism Link, we discuss the nature of God's revelation.

FAMILY ACTIVITY To answer the question Jesus posed to Peter, create a “We Love Jesus” poster. On the poster write ways your family can love each other, the way Jesus told Peter to love the Lord's followers.

Upcoming Studies

April 7: Second Sunday in Easter

Daily Readings: Second Week in Easter

April 14: Third Sunday in Easter

Daily Readings: Third Week in Easter

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God bless you and yours,

Larry Broding