Subject: Studies for the Fourth Sunday in Easter - C - April 21, 2013

Sunday Studies eNotice
Sunday Studies eNotice

Fourth Sunday in Easter - C - April 21, 2013

The Good Shepherd

Sometimes we all want someone to care for us, shoulder our responsibilities for a moment, share our burdens, assure us we are not alone in a cold world. Enter the Good Shepherd.



MP3 PODCAST In this week's podcast, we considered our dependence on others. Even as adults, we are not our own, we belong to God.

FIRST READING St. Paul went to the Gentiles after the synagogue rejected his message.

PSALM Psalm 100 was a call to worship, full of joy and thanksgiving.

SECOND READING John the Elder wrote in the book of Revelation how the multitude from every nation will stand before the throne. And the Lamb sitting on the throne will care for them all.

GOSPEL In John 10, Jesus spoke a bond that unites us to him, a relationship like that of a Middle Eastern shepherd and his sheep.

CHILDREN'S READINGS In the first reading, James and Kelly hated each other until they became partners in a school competition. that day, they became friends, just like Paul helped Jews and non-Jews become part of God's family. In the gospel, Jesse drove home with his father. To spend the time, they played a game naming the kind of animal they would like to be. Jesse wanted to be a sheep, who received special care from by a shepherd, just like Jesus gives us as our Good Shepherd.

CATECHISM LINK This week's Catechism Link considers Jesus as the Good Shepherd.

FAMILY ACTIVITY In this week's Family Activity, discuss what takes to be a good pet owner.

Upcoming Studies

April 14: Third Sunday in Easter

Daily Readings: Third Week in Easter

April 21: Fourth Week in Easter

Daily Readings: Fourth Week in Easter

April 25: Feast of St. Mark

April 28: Fifth Week in Easter

Daily Readings: Fifth Week in Easter

May 5: Sixth Week in Easter

Daily Readings: Sixth Week in Easter

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God bless you and yours,

Larry Broding