Subject: Studies for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - C - September 22, 2013

Sunday Studies eNotice
Sunday Studies eNotice

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - C - September 22, 2013

God or Money?

Choice is one of the most important values in American culture. We can choose our friends, our professions, our religion, our lifestyle. But these choices have consequences, especially when one choice clashes with another. God or money? It’s easy to make, hard to live out.



FEAST OF ST. MATTHEW September 21, 2013

WEEKLY BLOG How can I balance my needs vs. God's will?

MP3 PODCAST In this week’s audio podcast, we consider the true use of money, not on the self, but for the good of others.

FIRST READING Amos preached against the money hungry, those who accumulation above the good of people.

PSALM Psalm 113 spoke to the glory of God and his care for the least in society. YHWH is the Lord of all, not the few.

SECOND READING 1 Timothy addressed the ideal Christian life, one lived in peace, piety and evangelization. How can we create conditions for this life?

GOSPEL In Luke 16, Jesus addressed the possession and use of wealth. How we use our wealth is far more important than how we gain it, for it’s use reveals our character and our relationships with others.

CHILDREN’S READINGS In the story for the first reading, we imagine the prophet Amos as a young boy. The young Amos saw a merchant trying to cheat his father, a practice he would rail against as an adult. In the story for the gospel, three friends were almost torn apart by a loan. In the end, they realized people are more important than money, just like Jesus told us.

CATECHISM LINK In this week’s Catechism Link, we study God the Father, All-powerful and All-loving.

FAMILY ACTIVITY Review the activities of the past two weeks (“Put God First” poster and “Lost Money Scavenger Hunt”) with your family members.

Upcoming Studies

September 15: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reading: 24th Week in Ordinary Time

September 21: Feast of St. Matthew

September 22: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reading: 25th Week in Ordinary Time

September 29: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reading: 26th Week in Ordinary Time

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God bless you and yours,

Larry Broding