Subject: Fr. Gil's Homily From Team School and Last Minute Info

Weekend 270
The Gift
              you are given, Give to others
Email Notice for Weekend 270

April 9, 2013

Fr. Gil's Homily from the Team Mass

The tapestry of the Risen Christ behind me takes my breath away. When we celebrate Easter, we are wrapped in the embrace of the Jesus and, with the Lord, his Passion and death. We see his suffering here in the Stations of the Cross. We see his life represented as light in the Paschal candle. He lives now with his wounds and his eternal life. We are to take that life inside of us and live it, despite our suffering. We've leaned on the Risen Lord; now, we are to allow others to lean on us, in their pain and struggles. That is the power of the Cursillo community. We carry each other, like Jesus carries us. We are to help the candidates on the coming weekends do the same, to carry those in their families and communities. We are to help them become like Christ.

I wish we could read the Easter narrative we find in today's gospel before the reading from Acts. Not only could we read those events in chronological order, we could also see the effect the Resurrection had on the early Church. Christ rose, the Apostles preached. When the Risen Christ lived with them, they grew and became emboldened, despite their fears. In todays gospel, the beloved disciple recognized the Lord calling from the shore; only then, could Peter see him and join him for breakfast. In Acts, the leader of the apostles healed a crippled man with the power of the Name in the midst of the Temple. What difference life with the Lord made in Peter! From the bragging coward who denied the Lord three times, he changed into the confident preacher who boldly proclaimed the name of Jesus with such power, it could heal the lame.

When Jesus called to Peter on the fishing boat, he could have admonished the leader of the apostles, but he simply, gently, invited him, "Come, have breakfast with me." Despite our sin and our weaknesses, he invites us, simply, gently, "Come, join me. Eat my Body. Drink my Blood." If we accept his invitation, we are made whole and we, like Peter, can do mighty deeds.

As we go up to the mountain, let's lean on the Lord, depending not on our own strength, but upon his strength. Let's invite the candidates to do the same, to depend upon Jesus and carry his strength into their environments of home, work and community.

Last Minute Info

Palanca for Candidates: Steve Kussman and Roy Adams have dropped. Bill Allen is a possible addition.

Sleeping arrangements: In the Milner building, Core Team and Spiritual Team downstairs; Rollistas upstairs. In the Juanico building, musicians and cookistas. Please be flexible, since this is a tentative plan. We'll sort everything out Thursday afternoon (04/11/13).

Sacristans Request: Please bring white flowers with you for the sacristans.

T-Shirt Sales: Sales were a huge success. Kudos to Rob Wojtach for his hard work. The shirts really look great. There are some shirts still available, but several people could not attend Pre-Cursillo, so they get priority. However, I spoke to Rob and we can put together another run (minimum 24 orders). Sweatshirts, anyone?

Final Words: The weekend now seems real. All the hard work and planning will soon bear fruit. The Spirit was definitely blowing through team school, like it shook the house where the disciples stayed on Pentecost. Now is the time to proclaim the Good News, not from the roof tops of Jerusalem, but from the mountain top of Whispering Winds. Rollistas, you have the words. Auxiliaries, you have the ears and the heart. Cookistas, you have the hands and feet. Musicians, you have the song. Sacristans, you have the eye for beauty. The Spirit animates the parts of the Body of Christ; now it empowers the parts of this team to go, make a difference in the lives of the candidates!

Up to the Mountain!

Team web site is

God bless you and yours,

Larry Broding