Subject: Legal News from Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. *Attorney Advertisement*

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September 27, 2024
Bronx Legionnaire’s Disease Outbreak: 
The Victims' Legal Rights
There have been over 100 confirmed cases and ten deaths in the Bronx so far this summer in 2015. It has been linked to five public places that have since been decontaminated. This has caused the City Health Department to require that all buildings with a water-cooling tower in NYC must be assessed and decontaminated by August 21, 2015, even if no contamination is found.

According to the CDC, Legionnaire’s Disease (also known as ‘legionellosis’) is a potentially life-threatening form on pneumonia caused by breathing the bacteria Legionella into the lungs through water vapor or mist. Up to 18,000 people are hospitalized each year from this disease. It’s most common in hospitals, office buildings, cruise ships and hotels, where old, outdated heating and cooling systems are still utilized.

Our legal team has already resolved two major cases involving Legionnaire’s Disease, for the families of two patients who died after being exposed to Legionnaire’s Disease while seeking treatment at a hospital for an un-related condition. Read More
Medical Malpractice on Cruise Ships: Negligent
Doctors on the High Seas
Maritime Law is slowly beginning to adapt to the modernization of the massive cruise line industry. Cruise companies are able to bypass many laws and regulations that consumers are accustomed to on the mainland. One such regulation is providing medical care while at sea. Although cruise liners now have medical staffs and facilities, there are no regulations as to what these facilities must contain or what the qualifications of the medical staff must be. Cruise ships have usually not been held liable for medical malpractice that occurs on their ships.

Shifting Tides

In November 2014, a new legal precedent was set in the Franza v. Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. case under the U.S. Court of Appeals of the Eleventh Circuit which has jurisdiction over Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. [772 F.3d 1225 (11th Cir. 2014).] Pasquale Vaglio, the father of Patricia Franza, who sustained a severe blow to the head while docked at port in Bermuda, was brought back on to the ship where he was not properly tended to until four hours after the injury at which point it was too late. Read More
The 10th Annual Gardiner Memorial Basketball Tournament - Aug 15th & 16th
This Bronx tournament offers college scholarships to local high school seniors, backpacks filled with school supplies to the community youth and ipads and other educational electronics for the neighborhood.

The Gardiner Foundation has received significant media attention, particularly an piece written by Nick Tuths.

If possible, any support you can lend to this inspirational Foundation would be greatly appreciated. Checks to this tax-deductible 501(c)(3) can be made payable to The Gardiner Foundation and mailed to our firm at 111 Broadway, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10006. Read More
Video: About The Gardiner Foundation
Learn more about the history and past success
of the Gardiner Foundation.
Spring Newsletter
Gersowitz Libo & Korek, PC

111 Broadway, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10006
Phone: (212) 385-4410
Toll-free: (800) 529-9997 

Jeff Korek, 111 Broadway, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10006, United States
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