Subject: September 2020 Astrological Forecast ☀️🌙⭐️

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September 2020 Astrological Forecast

KA-BAM! We start the month of September off with a Full Moon in the sensitive sign of Pisces! No time to take a breath right now in the year 2020; things are happening faster and faster and the month of September looks to be building up to some more intensity. And looking at 2020 so far, is it really any surprise?

I feel that the start of this month in the volatile energy of the Pisces Full Moon, along with a Sun/Uranus trine and a Moon/Uranus sextile is symbolic of the energy we are likely to see play out during the rest of the year. This energy is of massive shifting of consciousness, sudden awakenings and a major need for releasing emotional and spiritual baggage. And this is a huge spiritual wake up call for all those who have yet to do the inner work!

The Full Moon can act like a sort of cosmic trigger. In Pisces, it symbolizes the final phase of man’s evolution through the zodiac before merging back to the God Source, only to start fresh again in the sign of Aries in a brand new cycle as it travels up through the spiral of evolution. But as Pisces moves to merge back to the Source, all lower density vibrations must be released in a final purging of the egoistic self. This is very emotional energy and it comes from deep within, like the depths of the ocean. This is about releasing things we no longer need, it’s about forgiving and letting go, it’s about realizing the interconnectedness of all things and that ultimately we are all One so there is no longer any need to fight with one another. This is the phase humanity has reached in its mass consciousness and many people now are hearing the call from Mother Earth to release, forgive, let go and find the harmony in our connection to not only our species but to the planet and to the entire universe!

Imagine the Earth as a hot air balloon and she is rising up to get a new perspective and to move along on her journey; evolve, if you will. As she rises, she’s moving into a higher frequency and any excess weight, i.e. lower density stuff, has to be tossed out in order to continue the ascent. For the stubborn and willful ones, refusing to let go of what needs to go, this may mean having to hit rock bottom before they are able to look back up again. So have patience and compassion should you see a friend or relative struggling and realize that sometimes we have to go through the worst before we finally surrender to life and learn to go with the flow. Offer your support through your love and teach by example but do not try to change them, they must do this themselves and it is always their choice whether to change or not. You only make yourself crazy trying to get them to change, so just love them and learn to let go and allow life to flow. You are not responsible for them. You will teach through the clarity of your example, so mind your own vibes and let yourself thrive. They can’t help but notice your Light and when they’re ready, they’ll ask you what your secret is. And you can tell them, it’s happiness found through inner peace - they’ll finally be able to hear it.

But if this is you struggling right now, it’s ok. I know what you’re going through and I can tell you that the night is always darkest just before the dawn. It can and will get better, but you must not hide from the feelings any longer. Surrender to the feelings you are struggling to keep in check and just feel them for a moment or two. Don’t act on them, just feel them. Then let them tell you their message. There is always a message in any negative emotion. They can teach you things about yourself and about life. And I promise you, you’re going to feel a whole lot better once you finally let yourself express your emotions. Seek help if you need it, there is no weakness in asking for help. You are not alone. Simply ask it of the universe and let it surprise you, just don’t shut the door when the help arrives.

As the year progresses, I feel that we are going to see further and further evidence of the division that is happening in the collective consciousness of humanity. It is now more important than ever to stay as grounded and as centered as you can while the Earth goes through these changes and humanity’s consciousness shifts. And if you are going to be of any good during these changes, it is important to make your inner peace your first priority. If you would like some coaching on how to do this, contact me.

Mercury moves into Libra on the 5th, assisting our personal relationships and allowing more room for negotiations over the following weeks. That’s going to be needed as Venus receives some not so nice aspects with Saturn and Mars in the first week of September, which could bring some stress to both love and finances for many of us. This is not a good time for making serious changes or commitments in those two areas, wait until after the 6th when Venus enters Leo and the energy shifts to be more generous, playful and dramatic!

The biggest energetic shift I’m feeling from September is when Mars goes retrograde at 28 degrees Aries on September 9th. Mars brings an extremely passionate and powerful energy but it can also bring the desire to force our will upon others and the temptation to side with the ego which can lead to chaos, violence and destruction. In retrograde for the next several months, Mars will make some difficult aspects to Saturn and Pluto which can really stir things up both personally as well as on the world stage! On the personal level, we see ego conflicts, competition, petty arguments and being stuck in the root chakra. Also it may be more challenging for some of us to feel physically motivated, so be sure you are taking care of your physical as well as your mental health. Get some sunshine and breathe some fresh air and be sure to drink plenty of clean, fresh water.

On the world stage, we see frustration and aggression building. Unfortunately, we do see potential for violence as well as military action. But as these world changes are happening, keep in mind the image of the hot air balloon. Regardless of what the humans are doing, the Earth continues her ascent and by witnessing these things, we are shown what needs to be thrown out of the basket if humanity wants to go along for the ride. Keep love in your heart and continue to work on yourself, following your own inner guidance and you won’t be thrown out of the basket yourself. Mars will go direct again on November 13th at 15 degrees Aries. Those with personal planets/angles within those degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) will feel this the hardest. For help on this in your own chart, contact me for a consultation.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 17th looks to have some good energy to assist us in making some much needed changes in our daily routines. Virgo reminds us of the need to take good care of our bodies too, so it is a good time to get in touch with your body’s needs. This is also a great time for doing any sort of preventative maintenance, for fine tuning any on-going projects and for organizing your life in general. But be mindful of the perfectionism that sometimes comes with this sign as this could trip you up and you may find you cannot make the changes you long for because of unrealistic ideals. In the days leading up to the New Moon, it is a good time to examine more closely the details of your life. What can stay, what needs to go, what needs to change, what needs improvement? This is an excellent opportunity for personal new beginnings.

The Sun entering Libra on the 22nd of September looks to bring some attention to our relationships and our ability to work with one another. In square to Jupiter, Saturn and then Pluto, the Sun’s journey through the sign of Libra could see us coming face to face with opportunities to fine tune our relationships, but that process is not always pretty. However Libra’s energy is one of harmony and seeking out win-win situations in fairness and equality. Perhaps this will help us seek the more harmonious solutions in our negotiations with others. The danger of the Libra energy can come when we compromise ourselves to our own detriment in trying to reach harmony with others, or in trying to please others. So we must remember to value our own ideas too and to stand up for what is fair. On the world stage, we can also hope for the same as the need for justice and fairness will most likely be highlighted by the Libra Sun.

On the 28th, Saturn stations direct and will begin its journey back through the later degrees of Capricorn and moves toward Aquarius again, finally entering the sign on December 18th. The forward motion of Saturn once more is sure to see more of us willing to get down to work and do the things that need to get done. Saturn is about responsibility after all and when it’s moving forward again, we are called into responsible action. On the world stage, we may see the government making some changes and implementing order with renewed vigor, but it may not necessarily be pretty.

In numerology, September is a number 4 universal month and since 2020 is also a number 4 universal year, September’s energies are more impactful. With the 4 we are looking at being responsible, at planning, at managing and at getting things in order. This fits perfectly with all the earthy Virgo energy, so September looks to be a good month for getting your affairs in order and preparing for the unknown. October will be a number 5 which signals change so we need to prepare for that in the number 4 month. And with Uranus doing its retrograde thing right now, you can expect the unexpected so follow your intuition and make your preparations this month!

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal so planetary transits and numerical influences like the ones described above will affect each one of us differently according to our own personal charts. To see how it affects yours, book your appointment with me. Don’t forget I can do phone and video readings and I now have the capability to record your online reading with me! For more details, click the button below or reply to this email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Stay strong, my friends. These are tough times but you are tougher, and together through love, compassion and forgiveness, we can create a better life and a better world.

May your heart guide you,

The Laughing Gypsy


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of September 2020 for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding 4,5. Challenging 18,19

TAURUS: Rewarding 6, 7, 8. Challenging 20, 21

GEMINI: Rewarding 9, 10. Challenging 22, 23

CANCER: Rewarding 11, 12. Challenging 24, 25

LEO: Rewarding 13, 14, 15. Challenging 26, 27

VIRGO: Rewarding 16, 17. Challenging 1, 2, 3, 28, 29, 30

LIBRA: Rewarding 18, 19. Challenging 4, 5

SCORPIO: Rewarding 20, 21. Challenging 6, 7, 8

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 22, 23. Challenging 9, 10

CAPRICORN: Rewarding 24, 25. Challenging 11, 12

AQUARIUS: Rewarding 26, 27. Challenging 13, 14, 15

PISCES: Rewarding 1, 2, 3, 28, 29, 30. Challenging 16, 17


Welcome in the Fall season with a special seasonal reading! I’ll take a clairvoyant look into the rest of 2020 for you and see what lies ahead in the following areas: health, home life, love and career. For the entire month of September, book your 60 minute Fall Seasonal Reading for just $60! USE COUPON CODE: FALL2020
Laughing Gypsy, 2326 Wheaton Way, Suite 140, Bremerton, WA 98310, United States
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