Subject: February 2021 Astrological Forecast 🔮⭐❤️

Astrological Forecast for February 2021

We start the month off in a Mercury Retrograde through the sign of Aquarius, forcing many of us to rethink, regroup and redo things in our personal lives. This isn’t the time to try to get things started, this is a time for planning and preparing. Mercury will go direct once more on February 20th so if you can, wait until after that time to take action on important matters. Depending on where Aquarius is in your personal chart, this will affect you differently. For help on that, book an appointment with me and I’ll be happy to teach you more about your chart.  

Next we have a planetary ingress from Venus, which is the term used to explain when a planet enters a new sign. Venus enters Aquarius on February 1st and the frequency shifts deeper into the Aquarian energy. Venus has us focus on the things we value the most and in Aquarius, it values freedom and individuality. Considering the current state of the world, this adds to the mix of the current rebellious energy thanks to Jupiter, Saturn and now the Sun occupying the sign right now. 

When I think of Aquarius for the world at large, I think of it as the sign that represents The People of this planet and right now, they are growing restless! Recent riots in Russia, Spain, Denmark and the Netherlands show us that The People are fed up with the restrictions placed upon them by their government and I am willing to bet there are several other countries doing the same that our media is not covering. It’s very exciting times as the old structures crumble away. 

Personally I don’t think we will see the last of it until Pluto is done with Capricorn and firmly enters the sign of Aquarius in December 2025. So hang there, we might have a few more years of chaos ahead. But remember, your experience of something is always filtered through your perception of it, so if you don’t like what you are experiencing, try changing your perspective and see how you feel. Some may see this time as chaotic and destructive, while I see it as a necessary part of the reconstruction. In order to create a new foundation, you have to first tear down the old to make room for it. The problem is, most people didn’t even know what was under the old foundation so many things are being revealed and true colors are being shown as the old structures are breaking down. It can be ugly for some of us for a little while, but if we remain grounded in our truth and loving in our hearts, we will be guided on what path to take through peace and a desire to make the world a better place. That’s what we are seeing going on right now and personally, I think it’s a good thing because it’s time for change.

On February 11th, we have some more Aquarian juju coming our way with a New Moon in Aquarius at 23 degrees. Those of us with personal planets in Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio might be feeling the roughness of this one, especially if we are feeling repressed in some area in our lives. This can be an excellent time for proclaiming your personal sovereignty wherever you can in your life. Perhaps you are feeling the restrictions placed upon you and you are ready to break free, this energy will assist you in doing so but be careful not to do so at the cost of your own inner peace. Sometimes the stubborn energy of this fixed air sign makes us do not so smart things just for the sake of being different, of rebelling or of just wanting to shake things up! Choose which things are worth your energy and drop and detach from the rest, Aquarius is very good at that. Be selective about your focus so that you are not wasting precious time and energy on something that isn’t really worth it and only put your focus on things that will improve your life, rather than on what is hindering it. This will help shift your perspective from feeling trapped to finding your new found freedom. 

On February 18th, the Sun enters the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces to complete its annual cycle. While the Sun is in Pisces, people tend to get a little more sentimental, a little more sensitive and a little more psychic. Some of us even play the victim card a little more often, but I encourage you to reach for the higher octave of Pisces and seek understanding through compassion and service to others instead. Pisces is a very receptive sign, easily able to pick up on other people’s energy and make it their own, therefore it is important to learn the value of grounding yourself and staying centered in your heart space. While the Sun is here, it is a good time for retreating to your sacred space, rejuvenating yourself through your connection to Spirit and for gathering creative inspiration. The Sun will ingress to Aries on March 20th. 

On February 20th, Mercury goes direct once more at 11 degrees Aquarius. After Mercury goes direct, we have a few days known as the post shadow period. This isn’t typically seen as the same as the retrograde itself, rather it is a time for reflection to go over what occurred over the past few weeks when Mercury was retrograde. On a personal level, this will be different depending on your chart, but take the time after Mercury goes direct to reflect on your life and what you have learned during the last retrograde. This is the best use of the post shadow period, so that you can learn and become a better person from the lessons you have learned. 

Venus takes a quick trip through Aquarius and makes an ingress to Pisces on February 25th. Venus is exalted in Pisces so her energies are put to good use here. Venus values material things and relationships and in Pisces, it seeks more universal connection. This is an excellent time for creative pursuits and artistic expression. This is also very romantic energy and it is a good time for going on a romantic getaway but I would wait until after the Full Moon on the 27th. Venus will be in Pisces until March 21st.  

On February 27th, we have a Full Moon at 8 degrees Virgo and this can bring some tension for those born under the signs of Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius. The sensitive Pisces Sun could see some of us licking our wounds after the critical tone of Virgo has its say. Do your best to ground yourself and stay centered in your heart during this time to make the best of this. Virgo energy wants to improve things, it is always wanting to find ways to make things easier, faster and more efficient. However it tends to neglect the emotions of others in the process (and with the Sun in Pisces, we’re talking about sensitive egos here), so should you find yourself on the receiving end of some harsh criticism, try not to take it personally and instead, look for the ways you can improve and create a more balanced and happier life for yourself.

In Numerology, February is a number 7 universal month. This is a time for retreating, for reflection and for research. The number 7 seeks solitude in order to process and understand things. The advice with this would be to slow down, take your time with things and go within this month. Spend more time in meditation. Spend more time in nature and observe how easily the plants and animals live in the moment. Bring your awareness to the ease and flow of the natural rhythms found in nature and realize that you too are a component of that. Find your own personal rhythm and work with that so that you are working with the creative flow of the Universe instead of trying to swim upstream. Stop pushing yourself to do things that just aren’t in rhythm for you right now. The number 7 reminds us to take the time to think about things, to learn about things, to reflect and reconsider and to go within to find our inner wisdom and guidance for our own personal paths. Be sure to take some time for that this month and you will surely see the benefits of it in no time. 

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal so planetary transits and numerical influences like the ones described above will affect each one of us differently according to our own personal charts. To see how it affects yours, book your appointment with me. Don’t forget I can do phone and video readings! For more details, click the button below or reply to this email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. 

I hope you have a wonderful February and as always, may the stars guide you!


The Laughing Gypsy

FEBRUARY SPECIAL - Love Life Reading only $20!

Whether you are currently in a relationship or are looking for one, this reading will give you insight on your current Love Life and what to expect in the months ahead. You will also receive advice and guidance on what to do to improve your relationships or guidance on how to improve your love life should you need it. This special 30 minute reading is only $20 for the month of February! Use Coupon Code: LOVELIFE21 when booking your appointment. 

Bring your significant other along and upgrade to a special Couples Reading and coaching session for only $60 for 60 minutes throughout the month of February! Use Coupon Code: COUPLES21 when booking.

And don't forget, I have phone and video chat options if you can't make it in person!

Book Your Reading


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding 14,15,16. Challenging 1,2

TAURUS: Rewarding 17,18. Challenging 3,4,5

GEMINI: Rewarding 19,20,21. Challenging 6,7

CANCER: Rewarding 22,23. Challenging 8,9

LEO: Rewarding 24,25,26. Challenging 10,11

VIRGO: Rewarding 27,28. Challenging 12,13

LIBRA: Rewarding 1,2. Challenging 14,15,16

SCORPIO: Rewarding 3,4,5. Challenging 17,18

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 6,7. Challenging 19,20,21

CAPRICORN: Rewarding 8,9. Challenging 22,23

AQUARIUS: Rewarding 10,11. Challenging 24,25,26

PISCES: Rewarding 12,13. Challenging 27,28

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