Subject: August 2020 Astrological Forecast ⭐🔮🌞

August 2020 Astrological Forecast

We start the month of August 2020 with a Full Moon in Aquarius on the 3rd. This is happening at 11 degrees Aquarius, those of us with personal planets near the first 11 degrees of the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo and Scorpio may find this energy a bit more challenging. If you aren't sure, contact me and I'll take a look for you.

It is important to check in with yourself in the days surrounding the Full Moon and be sure that you are taking time for you. Aquarius is a sign that encourages both individual expression and a coming together to find new solutions that help the greater good. Positive Aquarius energy asks us to be innovative and to create movement toward a brighter future for everyone.

The Full Moon in Aquarius is an opportunity for us to look at our individual needs and seek out new ways to operate within our peer groups at the same time. Ask yourself, are your individual needs being met? If not, what can you, as an individual, do to help with that? And how can you work in new ways that is best for everyone involved? Resist the urge to place the blame on anything or anyone else for those needs not being met, be solution orientated and look for ways to improve rather than focusing on what is wrong with the situation.

Next, ask yourself, are the people you spend the most time with reflective of the type of person you want to be or the kind of world you wish to live in? As motivational speaker, Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Do you feel that your friends, peer groups, political parties, religious groups, clubs and associations, etc., still fit in with your image of your ideal self? Or have you changed? Or have they? Perhaps this Full Moon is your wake up call to become more authentically connected to who you are now and release those associations that no longer suit you.

Aquarius rules groups and friends while at the same time it expresses our desire for individuality and nonconformity. It’s about realizing your individuality within a group, allowing you to operate with integrity while at the same time you work for the greater good.

On August 4th, Mercury enters the sign of Leo and our communication can become much more expressive, creative and dramatic under this influence. This is not a time for being super serious in our thoughts or talks with others, rather it is a time for finding more joyful and creative ways to express ourselves. It can be a fun time for short day trips to enjoy some recreational time.

Mercury enjoys a very short stint here until it enters the next sign of Virgo on the 19th. Mercury is quite happy in the second sign it rules, Virgo. Thoughts and communication becomes more analytical, more task orientated and always looking for ways to make improvements. It’s an excellent time for getting things sorted and organized, most especially your thoughts or ideas on a particular project.

On August 7th, Venus enters the sign of Cancer. Venus rules both money and our relationships (and our relationship to money). Under Cancer, our money and/or our relationships either become a source of comfort and security or they become a source of contention if we refuse to let go of something whose time has come. Cancer has a difficult time letting things go even when it would be better for everybody if they did. It’s about security and what makes us feel safe. What we must realize is that the feeling comes from within, not from without. We must cultivate that within ourselves by applying love and nurturing to our own sense of insecurity, knowing that we are the ones who get to decide how we feel, not the stuff, other people or circumstances involved. Should you find yourself struggling with either your money or your relationships while Venus is here (until Sept 6), do your best to soothe yourself and remind yourself where your sense of security really comes from. And most of all, be willing to let go of things that need to go. This is how we grow. Have faith that things are working out for you, if you just let them.

On August 15, Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius goes retrograde in the sign of Taurus. What could this mean? Well, Uranus likes to come in and shake things up! Sometimes it’s good, other times, it’s...well, let’s just say that the change is necessary in one way or another. One possibility is an economic shock or surprise event such as with the stock market, the banks or even land values. Another possibility is earth changes such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, etc. Another is social rebellion such as protests, marches and even riots (especially with Mars currently in Aries) and violence on the streets. These are some crazy times, many believe we are seeing the times predicted in the book of Revelations in the Bible and I concur. The good news is that if you are on the path of service to others, of love and harmony, then you are headed to a happier time on planet Earth. Just keep your focus there and keep your heart as happy as you can make it and you can see this New Earth come into being.

Another possibility with the Uranus energy is the mass amount of Awakening happening on the planet on many levels. From the disclosure of some very heavy, dark truths to the realization of spiritual evolution and planetary Ascension. Uranus represents our need to break free from limitations, for radical change, innovative growth and global improvement, which is at times expressed in a rather explosive and rebellious way. We are seeing this play out on the world stage right now as I personally feel we are at the gateway of the Age of Aquarius. It’s a very exciting time as we make way for the needed changes for this new age to come! And no matter how insane the world seems to be right now, I am honored to be here at this time. We stand on the precipice of great change as a species as more and more people begin to Awaken to the Truth of what we are - co-creators with the Infinite Creative Source! What a time to be alive!

On August 18th, we have the New Moon at 26 degrees Leo. The New Moon in Leo asks us to express ourselves in new ways, to use creative outlets and to tap into our inner child. This is a good time for setting new intentions in your life that allow for you to express yourself and to find more joy in your life whether through hobbies, crafts, artistic talents or simply spending more time being with those you love. If your inner child needs some love, now is a great time for going within and healing that part of yourself. Whether or not you believe it, there is a part of you that is still that energy of when you were a child and if you ignore it, dismiss it or invalidate it, you will find that no matter how much you try to find happiness, you won’t be able to until you address the inner child and allow it to express itself. This may seem scary or this may seem silly to you, but I promise you, if you take the time to connect with your inner child, your life will change for the better. You are worth it and you owe it to yourself to be whole. If you would like some guidance on how to work with your inner child, contact me for an appointment and I will be happy to help you.

On August 22nd, the Sun enters the earth sign of Virgo and the energy shifts as the summer season begins to wind down. This is a time of harvest, of enjoying the fruits of our labor and for looking for ways to become more efficient and productive in our day to day lives. From now until September 22nd is a fantastic time for getting organized, for cleaning out old cupboards and getting rid of clutter.

The rest of the month doesn’t have any major planetary activity to really mention except perhaps for the week of August 24th which could be a bit complicated for some of us. We have a square between Mars and Saturn happening which can bring things that seemed to be moving forward to a full stop! And trying to get anything moving and off the ground at this time might be a real challenge. We have Mars in Aries and Saturn in Capricorn, both in their natural sign rulership of cardinal energy that wants to get out there and move, change and act but the restrictive energies of these planets brings roadblocks and frustrations at this time. If you should find your efforts being challenged and blocked right now, perhaps the lesson here is to stop trying and that’s not always an easy lesson from some of us!

August 2020 is a number 3 Universal Month, a time for expression, communication, fun and creativity and celebrating individuality within the greater collective. It is a time to let your Light shine. This energy resonates closely with the Leo Sun energy and it reminds us that life is meant to be joyous. This is a difficult thing to remember right now with the world being as it is, but I assure you that it is indeed possible to be joyous at this time. It’s a matter of perspective and having faith in yourself. When you know who you really are, nothing, not even a silly worldwide pandemic can stop you from realizing your joy.

This is the secret to happiness - knowing that you can’t always control everything in this life, but you can always control how you are going to respond to it. Here is your power. If something seems to steal your joy away, realize that you gave it power over you by letting it steal your joy. Essentially what you are saying is “if this thing, circumstance or person could just change, then I will be happy”. But why put a condition like that on your happiness? Especially if it’s something out of your control to change? You are the only one keeping yourself in that prison. Change your mind and you release yourself. Take your power back and remember only YOU get to decide how you feel. It doesn’t matter what anything or anyone else is doing because you are now taking responsibility for how you feel, and no longer giving that power away.

As the world gets crazier and crazier, it is more and more important for people to realize this and to empower themselves with the knowledge of their own power to decide how they feel. I encourage you to practice this way of thinking and if you need some coaching on how to put this mindset to practical use, text me at 313-327-2262 for an appointment. I am delighted to be of service on your journey to happiness and I wish for you all the very best.

May the stars guide you,

The Laughing Gypsy


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of August 2020 for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding 7,8, 9. Challenging 21, 22

TAURUS: Rewarding 10,11. Challenging 23, 24

GEMINI: Rewarding 12,13,14. Challenging 25,26,27

CANCER: Rewarding 15,16. Challenging 1, 2, 28, 29

LEO: Rewarding 17, 18. Challenging 3,4, 30, 31

VIRGO: Rewarding 19, 20. Challenging 5,6

LIBRA: Rewarding 21, 22. Challenging 7, 8 ,9

SCORPIO: Rewarding 23, 24. Challenging 10,11

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 25, 26, 27. Challenging 12,13,14

CAPRICORN: Rewarding 1, 2, 28, 29. Challenging 15,16

AQUARIUS: Rewarding 3, 4, 30, 31. Challenging 17,18

PISCES: Rewarding 5, 6. Challenging 19, 20

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