Subject: You're Invited to the Laughing Gypsy Forums

Have something to say? Come say so on our new forums!

Hi there! We've added a new forum to our website. You are invited to join us for some metaphysical and magickal discussions! I've started some boards already but I'm open to more suggestions so please feel free to share what you would like to see.

You must register as a site member before you can post, but no worries - registration is free! And I'm the only one accessing your contact info, so your info is safe with me.

There's also a few secret boards just for those of you who are in my classes or magickal mentorship program (you will see them once I give you access). If you wanna join us on that, be sure to check out my latest class below - just two seats left!

Whether near or far, young or old, I invite you to join in on our new forums, start a conversation, ask some questions or just share some weird stuff with your spiritual community. Here are the public boards I have so far:

Let me know what else you'd like to see discussed on there (sorry, no politics!) and I'll see what I can do! Come join the discussion today!

Take care,


The Laughing Gypsy


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