Subject: September 2024 Astrological Forecast ♍✨♎

September 2024 Astrological Forecast

This month’s planetary activity:

  • 9/1 - Uranus Retrograde

  • 9/1 - Pluto enters Capricorn in Retrograde

  • 9/2 - New Moon in Virgo

  • 9/4 - Mars enters Cancer

  • 9/8 - Mercury enters Virgo

  • 9/17 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

  • 9/22 - Sun enters Libra

  • 9/22 - Venus enters Scorpio

  • 9/26 - Mercury enters Libra

The month of September is always a month of significance because in numerology, it is a number 9 which means that the energy of the year is accumulated in the month of September. Typically this means we see things coming to some sort of conclusion or we experience a much needed shift around this time of year. We are certainly experiencing some major shifts this year as a country and as a species. I’m so curious what things are going to look like by the end of the year!

On September 1st, we have Uranus, the planet of change, freedom and unpredictability going retrograde in the sign of Taurus at 27 degrees and this planet will be in retrograde until the end of the year. This usually isn’t too significant, the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) go retrograde often and most of the time we don’t really notice it. However, should you have a personal planet or angle at the final degrees of Taurus, you might feel a slight shift with this one. Typically this planet forces you to look at the areas of your life where you might be stuck in a rut and creates some sort of catalyst for change. At first this may be unwanted but in time it is seen that the changes were necessary for advancement. If this is you, hang in there and be willing to make the changes that are needed for you to grow.

Also happening that day, is Pluto moving backwards once more into the sign of Capricorn for one final stint. Pluto will be retrograde until October 12th at 29 degrees and 35 minutes of Caprciron. Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, has been wrapping up his time in Capricorn for the past few years and many of us have definitely felt it! Now as he makes his final dip into Capricorn, the sign that rules big business, government and other top-down authority societal structures, we are sure to see some more chaos erupt in the world. The powers that be, or should I say the powers that were, are sure to create some destruction in their path as they lose their grip on what used to be in their control. The splitting of the two worlds is becoming more and more evident as the old structures begin to fall away and new ways of living are beginning to emerge.

As we move into the Pluto in Aquarius energy, we can expect many changes to be underway as the People begin to come back into power. The old systems will not fall away gracefully and I see global turbulence still until about the year 2032. I encourage you not to look too closely at any of it as it will definitely take your personal power away, especially in the political arena. It’s unfortunate that we cannot trust our mainstream journalists to bring us the truth but this is the time we are living in now. We live in a world of illusions and artificial intelligence, we must develop our intuition and discernment to be able to detect what is true and what is not. And the funny thing about truth is that it is relative, so don’t even bother trying to convince anyone else of your truth. I just encourage you to keep faith for a brighter future and love in your heart for your fellow human beings. Many are still sleeping and some are just waking up, and it’s not always an easy awakening. Sometimes people lash out at others when they are being forced to wake up. Have grace. Love and unity are what will guide us to the future we are all wanting, keep your focus there.

On September 2nd, we have a New Moon at 11 degrees of Virgo. This is an excellent time for getting plans laid out, getting organized, tending to chores and cleaning up messes! Get your car serviced, clean out your closet, visit your dentist, etc. Take advantage of this earthy moon by taking care of business, organizing the little things that make up your daily routine and by paying attention to your body. Virgo is a very health conscious sign, this just might be the perfect time to start a new health routine!

Mars enters Cancer on September 4th and will be there until November 5th. While Mars is here, we might find that our energies go more towards personal and family goals. The dynamic energy of this hot planet becomes more emotional when it's in a water sign and Cancer can bring out our sensitivities, do be careful not to become so wrapped up in the emotions that you exert this energy in unhealthy ways! The best use of this energy is spent working on projects around the home or things that will improve the domestic life. Look to see which house Cancer rules in your chart to get a better idea of where your energy will be best spent. Book your appointment with me if you need help with that.

Mercury enters its own sign of Virgo on September 8th and will only be there a very short time before it enters Libra on the 26th. Mercury in Virgo is very efficient, detail oriented and dedicated to getting the job done right. Now that Mercury is once again moving forward, take advantage of this time to tackle the projects that require detailed work or act as a preventative maintenance.

Once Mercury moves into Libra on the 26th, the energy becomes more social and cerebral. This is a good time for having important conversations where negotiation and diplomacy might be needed. This is also a good time for brainstorming, especially with others so if you’ve got a problem to solve, now is a good time to work with others to find solutions.

On September 17, we have a Full Moon lunar eclipse at 25 degrees of Pisces. Heads up, this can sometimes be an emotionally sensitive moon! This moon is close to Neptune and opposite Mercury, we might be seeing some illusions shattered with this and some truth might be revealed. Typically Pisces Moon times are times when we are feeling lazy but creative, and maybe a little dreamy or even spacey. We don’t normally have a lot of physical energy with this moon, it’s more a time for relaxing and daydreaming. So don’t plan on being too physically active that day. This is a good moon for doing any sort of spiritual or psychic work; divination, meditation, astral travel, lucid dreaming, etc.

The Sun enters the sign of Libra on September 22nd and the energy shifts. While the Sun is here, our focus typically becomes more social, where we are looking for win-win situations and finding harmony with others and our environment. Wherever the sun is transitioning in your chart is where your focus is typically drawn, this changes every 30 days or so. Look to see which house is ruled by Libra in your chart to see where the focus will be for you this time. Book your appointment with me if you need help with this. This is also an excellent time to do some redecorating as Libra has an eye for beauty and design. The Sun will be here until October 22nd.

Also happening on the 22nd is Venus entering the sign of Scorpio. Venus isn’t at her best here, she can quickly become obsessive and possessive, creating an unhealthy codependency or worse, a stalker! The best course with this energy is to keep your desires realistic and do your best to keep others out of your business. And if you must become obsessive about something, make sure it’s something that’s going to support your growth! Thankfully Venus is only here for a short while before moving on to Sagittarius on October 17th.

In numerology, September is a number 8 universal month. Since the year 2024 is also a number 8 year, this is an accumulation of that energy which usually brings some sort of shift. The number 8 is the number that rules money, the economy, big wealth, big business, corporations, governments, and of course, power and authority of any kind. The number 8 corresponds with the Capricorn energy. As this is a political year in the USA, the number 8 is a very prominent energy this year as we look to our leaders and wonder what the heck is going on. And of course, all of us are wondering when/if the big financial collapse is going to occur. All I can say is, it’s anybody’s guess at this point.

There are so many factions at play here and too many possibilities to be able to predict accurately, but I can definitely say that we are in for some more chaos, that’s for sure! I advise all of you to have emergency food and water on hand just in case and to definitely have a plan should anything big go down, but I don’t preach doom and gloom. I honestly believe that we create our own reality and so that means, if you master your vibrations, you can have a better experience, no matter what the world is up to! Just get right with your Spirit, whatever that means to you and you will be guided. You are not alone and without spiritual help in this world. You have an inner compass, you just have to tune into it so you can find your way. I know this. I live this. Meditate. Connect with your inner-self and find your way. Need help? Come see me. I’m a certified spiritual life coach and I’m happy to help.

I hope you have a good month. Take care of yourself and your body. And as always…

May the stars guide you,


Psychic Medium/Astrologer/Author

The Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique


Intro to Astrology. Class starts September 7th!

Sure you can read an app’s synopsis of your chart, but can you read a birth chart? There is an art as well as a science to reading astrology charts that no app can teach. Plus there’s an entire world to discover in the subject of astrology that no app will ever provide. Learn everything you need to know to get started on reading and interpreting birth charts as well as other types of charts in my new Intro to Astrology class. From beginners to dabblers.

This class is held on Saturdays from 3 pm to 5 pm and it runs for 6 months. The cost is $100 by the 7th of each month starting on September 7th. Class size is limited. Secure your seat by purchasing your first month’s class online or by coming into the shop. We are now open Fri-Sat 11 to 5 and Sundays 11-4, the rest of the week by appointment.



The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. These are your personal new moons. Plan ahead to take advantage of those days. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. These are your personal full moons. Those are days to give yourself space.

If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

  • ARIES: Rewarding: 1,27,28 Challenging: 12,13

  • TAURUS: Rewarding: 2,3,4,29,30 Challenging: 14,15

  • GEMINI: Rewarding: 5,6 Challenging: 16,17

  • CANCER: Rewarding: 7,8,9 Challenging: 18,19

  • LEO: Rewarding: 10,11 Challenging: 20,21

  • VIRGO: Rewarding: 12,13 Challenging: 22,23

  • LIBRA: Rewarding: 14,15 Challenging: 24,25,26

  • SCORPIO: Rewarding: 16,17 Challenging: 1,27,28

  • SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 18,19 Challenging: 2,3,4,29,30

  • CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 20,21 Challenging: 5,6

  • AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 22,23 Challenging: 7,8,9

  • PISCES: Rewarding: 24,25,26 Challenging: 10,11

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