Subject: September 2023 Astro/Numero Forecast 🔮✨🌜

September 2023 Astrological and Numerological Forecast


This month we are looking at a need to get quiet, to journey within, and to seek our inner wisdom. We have several planets currently in retrograde encouraging this and asking us to become still within ourselves so that we can find the right path. 

First off, we start the month with nearly all of the planets in retrograde motion! This means that from our vantage point on planet Earth, the movement of the planets appear to move backwards in their orbits. This is because Earth is currently passing by it in its own orbit. Astrologers have noted that when planets do this, there is typically some sort of effect felt on us earthlings. With so many planets in retrograde right now, there is a call for gaining inner perspective. This is often a time for re-evaluating the details of our lives and making the necessary adjustments in order to find harmony again. Sometimes this means that the universe must force these adjustments on us if we are of the stubborn variety! Much better to go within and ask for the best course of action for you rather than resist the changes being forced upon you. I find that it goes for a much smoother ride through life!

Venus moves out of retrograde and goes direct once more on September 3rd at 12 degrees of Leo. Typically this means that by now we have re-evaluated what is most valuable to us and realigned ourselves with our truest desires. Wherever Leo is in your chart will give you an idea of where things will begin to start moving for you once again in the love and desire department too. Venus also rules money so this could also show you where money might be flowing as well. 

Just as Venus goes direct, Jupiter goes retrograde. He will go retrograde on September 4th at 15 degrees of Taurus and will be retrograde until December 30th at 5 degrees of Taurus. Whichever house is ruled by Taurus in your chart will be the area of focus for this one. You’ll be called to reconsider your hopes, dreams, faith and ideals in that area of your life. If you need help with this, book a reading with me and I can help you make sense of this and other things in your chart. 

We have a New Moon in Virgo on September 14th at 21 degrees. This is usually a great time for getting organized in general; for doing some seasonal clean up, for getting plans in order and for clearing out clutter in all areas of your life. Join us for a guided Intention Setting meditation that night and get yourself back on track! RSVP HERE.

Take advantage of this energy to make plans for the rest of the year as Mercury goes direct on September 15th at 8 degrees of Virgo. That’s a whole lot of Virgo energy asking us to get things in order and get ourselves back on track! Mercury moving forward in Virgo is very focused, we should see some things moving for us again after this. This is also a great time for doing any sort of mental work, research and analysis are favored with this energy. 

On September 22nd, the Sun enters Libra and the energy shifts to take on more of a mental/social focus. This is usually a good time for connecting with others, for negotiations and for finding peace in our relationships. Some keywords for Libra are balance, harmony and cooperation and these are all encouraged while the Sun is here. The house that Libra rules in your chart will show you which area of your life is being highlighted by this. Again, book your appointment with me if you need help figuring this out. 

Finally we have a Full Moon in Aries at 6 degrees on September 29th. This is usually a very fiery and feisty Moon so be on your toes! The Moon rules the emotions in astrology and Aries rules the sense of self, so sensitive egos are the norm during this time. Tempers might be shorter than usual so give yourself plenty of space if you need it and remember that the Libra Sun is asking you to seek harmony in the areas that are unbalanced in your life. Sometimes the Full Moon can bring these issues to the forefront if we haven’t been doing our inner work and haven’t been paying attention to our emotional life! If this is you, remember that this too shall pass. Go within and feel your feelings. Make peace with your emotions by understanding that they are indicators of your inner world, letting you know the language of your soul. You can only ignore that for so long. Meditate, breathe, listen to your emotions and learn what your soul is trying to tell you. Only then will you find the peace you’ve been looking for. 

Join us for a guided meditation to help you release negative and unwanted energy that night. RSVP HERE. 


September 2023 is a number 7 Universal month. The year 2023 is a number 7 Universal year. September is always the accumulation of the year’s number’s energy, because it is a number 9 and any number added to 9 in numerology equals itself. In other words, in September the year’s energy is super concentrated! Usually this means we see things on the world stage that reflect that. The number 7 is a very intellectual but also highly spiritual number in numerology. It is often equated with the mystic. This number seeks Truth in the highest sense of the word and it seeks understanding through spiritual avenues. On the downside, this number can bring out our skepticism as it is highly analytical and fact based. However at the same time, number 7 seeks an intuitive connection to something it cannot always conceptualize. If we do not integrate the intuitive self and rely merely on the logical self, we are missing the complete picture and do not gain true understanding. The number 7 asks us to go within, to seek our own truth, to find our own path and to gain true understanding of our soul’s unique journey. 

This month (and always really), I encourage you to meditate daily, to slow down and reflect. Ask to be shown your truth, your path, and trust that what is shown to you is right for you. Listen in for that quiet, inner voice that knows what is best for you. That is the voice of your soul which is connected to All That Is and has the answers for you anytime you ask. Go within and know that you are loved by something that knows you intimately because you are a part of it, a part of the Universe and that means that it also knows what is best for you. You can trust that inner wisdom by the resulting peace that resides in your heart afterwards. If you need help with this, book your spiritual life coaching session with me and I’ll be happy to help you. 

Astrology and numerology are both global and personal. The above information can be somewhat different when applied to your own charts. Come see me for a reading if you would like to know more about how it relates to yours. And don’t forget, I also do clairvoyant mediumship readings if you need to talk to your guides, deceased loved ones or guardian angels! Click the button below to book your session. I hope you have a fabulous month and as always…

May the stars guide you!


The Laughing Gypsy


This month, save $25 off your 60 minute or longer past life reading! I will do a special combination of tarot and clairvoyant readings to see what we can uncover about your past lives and how they relate to your current life today. Use coupon code: !PAST23! when booking to save on your past life reading booked for the month of September. Offer good only for current newsletter subscribers. 


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 11,12 Challenging: 26,27 

TAURUS: Rewarding: 13,14,15 Challenging: 1,2,28,29 

GEMINI: Rewarding: 16,17 Challenging: 3,4,30 

CANCER: Rewarding: 18,19,20  Challenging: 5,6 

LEO: Rewarding: 21,22 Challenging: 7,8 

VIRGO: Rewarding:  23,24,25 Challenging: 9,10 

LIBRA: Rewarding: 26,27 Challenging: 11,12 

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 1,2,28,29 Challenging: 13,14,15

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 3,4,30 Challenging: 16,17

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 5,6  Challenging: 18,19,20

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 7,8  Challenging: 21,22

PISCES: Rewarding: 9,10 Challenging: 23,24,25

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