Subject: October 2024 Astrological Forecast ♎ ✨♏

October 2024 Astrological Forecast

This month’s noteworthy planetary activity:

  • 10/2 - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

  • 10/9 - Jupiter Retrograde

  • 10/11 - Pluto Direct

  • 10/13 - Mercury enters Scorpio

  • 10/17 - Full Moon in Aries

  • 10/17 - Venus enters Sagittarius

  • 10/22 - Sun enters Scorpio

Fasten your seat belts!

We’re on an energetic roller coaster right now. We start the month off in the energy of an eclipse, a powerful catalyst for making changes! On top of that, the month’s numerology promises things coming to some sort of conclusion on the world stage. I like the positive potential of that and I encourage all of you to keep your focus on the positive as we move forward toward a very volatile time in our country. The next five to seven years ahead look to bring about a lot of opposition from the powers that be (that were?) to the new ideas and inventions coming forth which threaten the old establishment. But the time for change has come and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it. Mother Earth is shifting and she’s asking us to shift with her. This means some rocky times as our society adjusts to these shifting planetary energies, as we have already been experiencing.

Right now, I see two distinct timelines emerging…one involves uniting under the desire for peace, where we raise our consciousness and expand our natural abilities to heal and thrive, exploring our organic spiritual selves. This leads to the natural opening of our psychic abilities as we no longer work in separation but rather, in union. The other timeline involves merging our consciousness and biology with artificial intelligence, which although it sounds intriguing, can ultimately only go so far in a spiritual sense. It rather leaves us vulnerable to unwanted energies and technologies, but that’s too deep a subject for this newsletter. If you want to know more, perhaps you can join me for one of our Charm Circle gatherings and we can chat.

As I am a spiritual seeker, naturally I am drawn toward the path of organic human technology. I understand that we shall regain our psychic gifts on this pathway and be on a higher vibrational level where the dense energies of the 3rd dimension eventually fade away. That is, a universal understanding that we are all one and therefore there is no more need for war, crime or deceit, rather there is only desire to expand ourselves as a planetary civilization. One day we will drop all the labels that divide us and we shall unite under one; earthling.

I will put my energy towards that timeline by remaining grounded while I watch the happenings in the media as I understand I am only being shown a tiny, subjective and most likely prejudiced viewpoint of reality. I encourage you to do the same if for no other reason than it feels lousy to believe all the nonsense we see in the media! It’s only going to get crazier until our mainstream media is exposed for what it is. Work on your spiritual self so that you may develop your discernment and open your third eye so you can see through the illusions. And above all, keep love and peace in your heart, you will be grounded in good energy, protected from the darkness by your inner Light.

Anyway, on to the month’s astrology….

We have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees of Libra on October 2nd. For some of us, this could possibly reflect the energy of the last solar eclipse in April of this year or it could bring about a change having to do with something that was started then. The Libra New Moon is an excellent time for making positive changes, setting new goals and coming up with new ideas, especially by brainstorming with others. This is typically beneficial for working with partners. This could also spark some people into action, let’s hope it’s for the right reasons.

Jupiter goes retrograde on October 9th at 21 degrees of Gemini and will be retrograde for the rest of the year. Typically Jupiter retrograde isn’t a big deal unless it’s making a personal aspect in your chart, but generally speaking the best use of this time is to work on matters of faith and expanding your life through that lens. Keep your eye out for opportunities as Jupiter’s retrograde might provide some. Look to see where Gemini is in your chart to know where your life will be affected. Book your appointment with me if you need help with this.

Pluto goes direct once more on October 11th and again, this isn’t normally a big deal either. However, this is the last time Pluto will be in Capricorn for another 240 years or so. So, yeah…it’s kind of a big deal. This final degree of Capricorn carries a lot of old energy, traditional energy, governmental energy, abuse of power energy! So as Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, makes its final move through this sign, we are sure to see some things shaken up in the world! Capricorn rules governmental hierarchies, corporations, big business, authority structures, etc. Put the two together and BAM! Big changes!

We’ve been witnessing this since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, watching as the intensity grows more and more, like labor pains as we watch the rebirth of our society. As Pluto finally enters Aquarius (Nov 20th) and stays there for almost 20 years, I would say we are definitely witnessing the rebirth of society with this. Aquarius is the sign of the people. Capricorn is the sign of profit. No longer will we tolerate profit over people and in the true nature of Aquarius, I see the people rebelling against this old way of living. It won’t happen overnight, this change will likely take hundreds of years before it is fully established but we are at the very beginning now and it’s important to master your vibration so you can have the best experience of this. What an exciting time to be alive!

Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13 and remains there until November 2nd. While Mercury is in Scorpio, our thoughts might become a little more investigative, mysterious and deep. This is the sign that likes to get to the bottom of things and Mercury gathers information, analyzes it and shares it. This could likely bring out some secrets as Scorpio is the detective of the zodiac. Just in time for the nation’s election, interesting things might be afoot. We shall have to see.

We have a full moon on October 17th at 24 degrees of Aries. This can be a very energetic and lively moon! We could use this to spur ourselves into action or to confront someone or something in our lives. If tensions are high, you will need an outlet for all that pent up energy. The best use of this is in a physical activity, so if you need an emotional release find something that moves your body and transmute that negativity into positivity through intention. Aries Full Moons can be emotionally volatile, explosive like a firecracker, but they can also be tapped into when you need to be brave. It is the sign of the warrior afterall. Aries will give you the courage to conquer your fear if you are willing to push past the primal nature of the ego.

On the same day, Venus enters Sagittarius and stays there until November 11th. Venus in Sagittarius energy is a quick burst of excitement towards an interest, idea or person that quickly changes direction once its curiosity is satiated. This can be used to help you gain quick insight into something, to dip your toe in or just get a taste of something you’ve been curious about. But the key with Venus in Sagittarius energy is that it lacks the staying power and desire to stay committed to something for long. Anything or any relationship started under this influence will be subjected to that and may not stand the test of time.

On October 22nd, the Sun enters Scorpio and the energy shifts. In Scorpio, the Sun highlights in our chart the areas that require deeper thought, inquiry and intuition. Not intimidated by the dark, Scorpio dives deep into the abyss in order to solve mysteries. In tandem with Mercury in Scorpio at this time, some of us might find that we are doing the research needed. This is an excellent time to go within and discover more about yourself, solving the mystery that is you.

Also during this time of year, the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is at its thinnest. In other words, it is much easier to communicate with the other side. If you wish to contact your ancestors for guidance, Scorpio Sun time is the most favorable time for this. Book your appointment with me if you would rather I contact them for you.

In Numerology, this month is a number 9 universal month. The number 9 is a number of completion, perfection and endings. Often we will see things come to some sort of conclusion during a number 9 month or year. The beauty of the number 9 is that it seeks unity and connection. It is the number of the Humanitarian. The downside of the number 9 is that it is a perfectionist, never really satisfied and often blocked by its own efforts for improvement. On the world stage, this might be just what we need to help us keep looking for improvement in our world. I have hope that the positive side of 9 will also help to keep us more human and focused on helping each other as we go into a very bumpy time for our country and our world. That’s what I’m going to keep focusing on because I know that what you focus on increases and I encourage you to do the same. Keep your focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. It’s simple but it’s not easy especially when we live in a world of constant bombardment of information. Ground yourself in Love. Give Love, be Love, and you will be guided by the greatest force in all creation.

I hope your month goes well and as always…

May the stars guide you,


Psychic Medium, Astrologer, Life Coach

The Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique

THIS MONTH’S SPECIAL - $10 Off all Mediumship Readings

October is the ideal time for contacting the spirits of our loved ones because it is said that the veil between the two worlds of the living and dead is at its thinnest this time of year. If it’s been six months or longer since you’ve lost your loved one, then I am happy to assist you in trying to make contact. I make no guarantees but I typically have a pretty good connection. This month, save an additional $10 off your reading. Most mediumship readings are around 30 minutes. For more information on my mediumship readings, see question two on my FAQs and book your appointment with the coupon code: 10$MED24.


Summer is over and that means that my Fridays are free again! So we are putting on our first free monthly mediation on Friday, October 4th at 6 pm til about 8 pm. Please join my husband, Brandon and I for a guided meditation followed by a spiritual discussion then socializing over snacks with your local spiritual community! In addition, enjoy a 15% discount off all store merchandise that night as our way of saying thank you for your support. We just love getting together with our local community, sharing our spirituality and making new friends. I hope you can join us! I'll be sending out a separate announcement on that soon.

Also, don’t miss out on our new membership gatherings! Starting on October 30th, we will begin our Charm Circle Gatherings. We will get together, drink tea and maybe read the leaves, pull tarot cards, talk about astrology, eat food, share our stuff with show and tell and other fun activities! I hear from so many of my clients that they feel alone in their path, that they wish that they had friends who were also interested in these things but they don’t know how to make friends. Well, this is how!

We are planning at least one if not two events each month. If you’re interested, it’s $15 per event (to cover the costs) or if you become a subscriber, it’s only $10 a month! Plus as a member, we give you a special 15% discount on all our store merchandise. If you’re interested, see my website here. Also, be sure to join our FB group to stay informed.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. These are your personal new moons. Plan ahead to take advantage of those days. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. These are your personal full moons. Those are days to give yourself space.

If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

  • ARIES: Rewarding: 24,25 Challenging: 9,10,11

  • TAURUS: Rewarding: 1,26,27,28 Challenging: 12,13

  • GEMINI: Rewarding: 2,3,29,30,31 Challenging: 14,15

  • CANCER: Rewarding: 4,5,6 Challenging: 16,17

  • LEO: Rewarding: 7,8 Challenging: 18,19

  • VIRGO: Rewarding: 9,10,11 Challenging: 20,21

  • LIBRA: Rewarding: 12,13 Challenging: 22,23

  • SCORPIO: Rewarding: 14,15 Challenging: 24,25

  • SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 16,17 Challenging: 1,26,27,28

  • CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 18,19 Challenging: 2,3,29,30,31

  • AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 20,21 Challenging: 4,5,6

  • PISCES: Rewarding: 22,23 Challenging: 7,8

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