Subject: October 2023 Astrological Forecast - Eclipse Season! 🌜🔮✨

October 2023 Astrological Forecast

This month looks to be an interesting one! Not only is it a time of potent spiritual energy (the veil between the world of the living and the world of the spirits is at its thinnest), but we also have two eclipses this month. Also we have the powerful energy of the number 8 coming in strong. We also see a few planetary shifts. It should be an interesting month for sure! I advise you to do your best to stay grounded and to spend as much time in nature as you can. Nature has a wonderful way of realigning our senses and getting us back to our center.

Starting off the month, we have Mercury shifting signs on October 4th. Mercury will enter the sign of Libra and will remain there for only a very short period of time as it will then enter Scorpio on October 21st. While Mercury is in Libra, our energy is best spent on communicating with others and finding harmony in our lives. If you need to have an important discussion with someone, now is a good time. The keyword for Libra is balance and while Mercury is here, we are tasked to find balance in our mental and social energy. Sometimes this means slowing down and listening to others more. Other times this means speaking up where we have been keeping ourselves silent. Take the time to listen to your heart to know where you need to find balance. Not sure where that is? I have a fun little tarot spread to help you find where you are out of balance in your life. Check it out here. 

Next Venus enters the sign of Virgo on October 8th. She will be here until November 9th. This is usually not the best time for warm and cuddly interactions with others, but it is a good time for getting your affairs in order, financial or romantic, as Venus rules both. This is also a good time for making informed and smart purchases on practical and every day items. If you need to purchase a new vehicle, I would recommend this window of time.

On October 10, Pluto goes direct once more in the sign of Capricorn. This could bring a slight shift to the collective, but if you have a personal planet or angle at the last two degrees of Capricorn, you will probably feel a shift with this one. Pluto has slowly been making his way towards Aquarius as he goes through his final few trips into Capricorn, we are seeing many world changes. This is the same energy we saw during the French and American Revolution. Hang in there, we are going to see quite a bit more as this planet moves into Aquarius for good by 2025. The old has to go before we can bring in the new and sometimes the demolition phase is pretty messy!

On October 11, Mars enters Scorpio until November 11. While Mars is here, we may feel a surge of energy in the area of our charts that is ruled by Scorpio. You might find that you suddenly have renewed energy on a project or you might find that your patience or your temper has gotten shorter. If you need to do any detective or research work or if you need to finish an old project, now is a good time to do that. 

On October 14, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 21 degrees of Libra. This is some powerful energy as Libra is a cardinal sign, which is a sign that initiates action! With the Solar Eclipse, we are seeing the accumulation of energy from the last one in April, in the sign of Aries. This can be a time where we see the energies of last April come to some sort of conclusion or experience a significant shift. This will be more evident if you have planets at or near 21 degrees of Libra. 

Join us that night for our free New Moon Meditation. RSVP here!

On October 21, Mercury enters Scorpio until November 11. While Mercury is here, we must be careful not to let our minds become obsessed with destructive thoughts and instead turn that magnetic focus towards something productive. This is an excellent time for doing research or diving deep into a subject. 

On October 23, the Sun enters Scorpio until November 22nd. Whichever house is ruled by Scorpio in your chart is highlighted right now and this is where you should put your personal energy for the time being. If you need help with this, book your appointment with me and I will be happy to explain your chart to you. While the Sun is here, it is a good time to look beneath the surface, to dig deeper into things and to seek the truth. 

On October 28th, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees of Taurus. This is a powerfully strong moon and is also the accumulation of the last eclipse in May. Anything started back then might see a significant shift around this time. This is a great time for releasing unwanted energies and for getting grounded! The Moon is exalted in Taurus, meaning its energy is at its best at this time. So this is a great time for doing any personal shadow work, divination, spirit communication and of course, magick! 

Join us that night for our Halloween Costume and Potluck Party! RSVP here.

In numerology, this month is a number 8 universal month. The number 8 is a very powerful number, it is the number of power and authority after all! It is also the number of money and that is a subject on everyone’s minds these days. Along with the transition of Mercury, Venus and Mars, it is possible we will see something big going on in our financial markets this month. My advice, should something like that happen, is to not lose your head for there is always more than what is being shown on the mainstream. The government might also be up to something with the number 8 energy going on while Pluto goes direct once more in the sign of Capricorn, so keep your eyes open, especially your third eye, in order to see what’s really going on here. Pluto is a transformative planet that brings up issues of power and control and the number 8 is the number of leadership and authority. Combing the two...perhaps we are going to see some major transformation in our leaders? Either way, it's about who's in "control". This is a time for keeping your cool and pulling on your own power, certainly not for giving that power up to others who couldn’t care less about you!

Overall, I see this month as being quite electric with all the metaphysical energies going on. Not to mention the solar activities and the Schumann resonance going off the charts! This is definitely a trying time for all of us on planet Earth and even more so for our country. It is a time for getting grounded, centered and anchored into a community of like minded people. Along those lines, should anything big go down, I want you all to know that the Laughing Gypsy will be a safe meeting center for us and you are welcome to join us. And should nothing big go down, you are still welcome to come in and pull up a chair. My husband, Brandon and I are here to help. We live to teach happiness and to provide encouragement during these dark times. So don’t hesitate to come on in. One of us will be available for you if you need us. And as always…

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy

We're on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube

We started up our Facebook page again. Be sure to come give us a like and follow us to see our latest inventory, classes, workshops and astrological news! See our page here and our Instagram here. And finally, we put some of our recorded meditations online too if you want to listen to them on your own. Check out our YouTube channel here.

THIS MONTH’S SPECIAL - $10 Off Mediumship Readings over 30 minutes

Like I said earlier, the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is the thinnest in the month of October (hence why we have Halloween), so it’s an ideal time for making contact with deceased loved ones. This month, I’m offering $10 off all mediumship readings over 30 minutes or longer. Just use coupon code: VEIL23! when you book your session this month. This coupon is only good for newsletter subscribers, please do not share it with others.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 8,9,10  Challenging: 23,24 

TAURUS: Rewarding: 11,12  Challenging: 25,26 

GEMINI: Rewarding: 13,14,15 Challenging: 1,27,28 

CANCER: Rewarding: 16,17  Challenging: 2,3,29,30 

LEO: Rewarding: 18,19,20 Challenging: 4,5,31 

VIRGO: Rewarding:  21,22 Challenging: 6,7 

LIBRA: Rewarding: 23,24 Challenging: 8,9,10 

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 25,26 Challenging: 11,12

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 1,27,28 Challenging: 13,14,15

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 2,3,29,30  Challenging: 16,17

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 4,5,31  Challenging: 18,19,20

PISCES: Rewarding: 6,7  Challenging: 21,22

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