Subject: October 2022 Astrological Forecast 🌜⭐🔮

October 2022 Astrological Forecast

It’s another exciting month in the crazy year of 2022! The world is in for some more shake ups and wake ups over the coming years, so do your best to stay grounded. We get a little break in the beginning of the month when Mercury, the planet of communication leaves its retrograde and turns direct on October 2nd. This should help get things moving again, at least for a little while. We spent the majority of September in the retrograde period but now we can hopefully improve our communication, move forward with more preparedness and begin again where we need to.

A few days later on October 8th, Pluto will go direct in the sign of Capricorn. Pluto is considered an outer planet in astrology, or a generational planet and so his retrograde isn’t often felt so personally as say Mercury’s is, unless Pluto is a significant planet in your chart that is. To know for sure, book your appointment with me and I’ll be happy to help you decipher your chart. However, Pluto is definitely making an impact on the chart of the United States as it makes its first return since 1776 and we’ve been feeling it for the past couple of years!

In the last few degrees of Capricorn, Pluto is tearing down outdated societal systems and structures to make way for something totally new. Pluto is the planet of transformation and the United States is being asked to change in a big, big way. As it moves into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of the people, we are sure to see some changes coming that will be for the benefit of the people rather than the corporations and government authority (Capricorn). Aquarius is a sign of revolution and progressive changes so this is also going to have a ripple effect on the whole planet. We’re in for some massive shifts in the coming years and life is going to look pretty scary for a while but it will eventually be for our own good. Let me tell you a little story to help illustrate this…

I often equate Pluto to the contractor you didn’t know you hired to remake your kitchen. He just shows up one day, demolishes everything in sight and waves at you as he walks out the door saying, “See you in a few months!.” Meanwhile, you’re stuck in the middle of your old demolished kitchen, feeling very misplaced. It looks like a real wreck, you can’t find anything and you’re absolutely clueless about how to start rebuilding your kitchen. But eventually, Pluto does come back around with bigger and grander plans for your new kitchen. “Alright, we’re gonna rebuild your kitchen, “ he says as he lays out the plans before you. “It’s going to take work and it’s going to take determination, but once the work is done, it is going to be absolutely marvelous!” And so, having no other option, you put in the work together and finally, your kitchen is a complete transformation! It’s bigger and better than ever and you’re much happier with the results. All the trouble was worth it in the end but you sure hope Pluto doesn’t show up for any further renovations.

Now go back over that last paragraph and replace the word “kitchen” with the word “life” and you can pretty much see how Pluto impacts us - and what it’s currently doing to the United States’ kitchen! So be prepared for some planned chaos but you mustn’t lose hope. Hang in there, it will be rebuilt. It’s the promise of Pluto - regeneration. Like the phoenix, we shall rise from the ashes, born again.

We have a Full Moon in Aries on October 9th. This is happening at the 16th degree of Aries so check your chart to see where that lies to get an idea of how this one might affect you. The Moon will be in opposition to the Sun in Libra that day, in the sign of Aries. When the Moon is here, emotions are loud and in your face! So this can sometimes be a more dramatic Moon. Aries is the sign of the self while Libra is the sign of others, the theme here is restoring balance between the self and others. Where in your life do you need to be more aware of your selfish needs and desires and where is it that you need to become more aware of the needs and desires of others? And how can you bring more balance between the two? Where do you need to speak up for yourself? And where do you need to compromise? Look for a win-win situation if you can and be open to negotiations as this is a time for smoothing out the wrinkles. Join us Saturday October 8th for our Moon Meditation and release some of that tension by blowing up some imaginary roses! We’ll guide you through it and afterwards, we’ll eat food together and get to know each other. I hope you can join us! RSVP here.

On October 10th, Mercury reenters the sign of Libra for the last time this year (it went retrograde in Libra in September) and the energies behind our communication and thought processes become more fluid. This is a great time for having those difficult discussions as Libra favors relationships and harmony. Mercury is only here for a short time though as he enters Scorpio on October 29th. While Mercury is in Scorpio, we can expect our thoughts to turn more inwards and our communication to become more selective if not secretive.

Saturn turns direct on October 22nd at the 18th degree of Aquarius. This might trigger some global activity as Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, makes forward motion once again in the progressive sign of Aquarius. What could this mean? Dramatic shifts in old governmental rulings perhaps or maybe traditional leaders put into nontraditional roles (or vice versa) or possibly the rise of surprising, new technologies that make the old immediately outdated and useless. It’s hard to say, but I do know that in combination with Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus and the North Node in Taurus, we are sure to see more and more major changes to come! On a personal level, this could mean that you are feeling more motivated to go after your ambitions or to become more disciplined in pursuit of your personal goals.

On October 23rd, Venus and the Sun both enter Scorpio. While the Sun is here, we are likely to get involved with others, merging our time and energies in one way or another. As much as Scorpio likes to sit alone and brood, its energy is really best utilized when it is merged with another’s as the synergy formed creates a force much greater than what they can achieve on their own. Sharing is the name of the game when the Sun is here and so you might also find that you are having to find ways to share or work with others in order to restore harmony in your life. With Venus in Scorpio, we might find that our desires become quite strong and we might just find our thoughts become obsessive with these desires if we are not mindful. Apply this energy to a hobby rather than a person if you can and you’ll make good use of this energy. Venus will be here until November 15th.

On October 25th, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio at the 2nd degree exactly! This is a fabulous time to set some intentions that require determination, discipline or a personal sacrifice of some sort in order to renew yourself. This is some powerful regeneration, re-birthing energy and you can use this time to declare to the universe your intentions for renewal in whatever direction you feel called. This is also some powerful psychic energy to tap into, as is the whole month of October so you can take advantage of this time and do some divination or spirit communication if that’s your thing. Join us on October 24th for our Moon Meditation and set your intentions with us! Unfortunately we are unable to do our Halloween costume party this year, but we are still going to utilize this Solar Eclipse energy! RSVP Here.

On October 27th, Jupiter, still in retrograde, dips back into Pisces for a bit. Your personal chart will determine whether or not this affects you. Overall, Jupiter in Pisces is an energy that asks us to have faith and to believe in miracles. In retrograde, that might be more challenging but I encourage you at the very least, to take a lesson from Pisces and apply compassion to every situation you can. Pisces teaches us that compassion is what unites us and makes us stronger.

On October 30th, Mars goes retrograde at the 25th degree of Gemini. Mars will be here for quite some time, turning direct in January and finishing his trek through Gemini by the last week of March of 2023! There are lessons to be learned here. Mars retrograde can feel like someone slammed on the brakes when you weren’t looking! This can sometimes bring things to a halt or create more tension in an area that was already tense. This can make it seem like getting your way is impossible or that others are out to block you or delay you at the least. While this can be a very frustrating time, this can also help bring to light any area in your life that needs a more focused effort. Look to see where Gemini falls in your chart to see how this will affect you.

In numerology, October of 2022 is a universal number 7 month. This is a number for introspection, reflection, contemplation, study, research, truth seeking and soul searching. This is a very spiritual number and it seeks understanding at a deep level. This is an excellent time for retreating and withdrawing into your mind as you reflect on things. It’s a good time for diving deeper into a subject, doing research or study that requires concentration and focus. It’s also a great time for resting so be sure to take it a little slower this month if you can. Like astrology, numerology is also personalized and your personal numbers are also something to consider when planning ahead. If you’d like help with this, come see me.

Overall, we can expect some more weird things to happen on the world stage but hopefully you are tending to your own little world instead of letting the world get to you. Remember, you can’t control the world, but you can control your response to it. So be mindful of where you put your focus and be selective about where your energy goes, for where your attention goes, energy flows and where energy flows, creation grows. So only focus on what you want to see grow bigger and you can use your creative power to help you rather than hinder you.

As always, stay grounded and be sure that you’re tuning into yourself on a daily basis. Your own inner wisdom is far better than what you will find outside of yourself. Meditation is a great tool for that! I wish for you all the very best and if you need me, you know where I am.

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy

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The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 8,9.10 Challenging: 23,24

TAURUS: Rewarding: 11,12 Challenging: 25,26

GEMINI: Rewarding: 13,14,15 Challenging: 1,27,28

CANCER: Rewarding: 16,17 Challenging: 2,3,29,30

LEO: Rewarding: 18,19,20 Challenging: 4,5,31

VIRGO: Rewarding: 21,22 Challenging: 6,7

LIBRA: Rewarding: 23,24 Challenging: 8,9,10

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 25,26 Challenging: 11,12

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 1,27,28 Challenging: 13,14,15

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 2,3,29,30 Challenging: 16,17

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 4,5,31 Challenging: 18,19,20

PISCES: Rewarding: 6,7 Challenging: 21,22

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