Subject: October 2021 Astrological Forecast ⭐🌙🔮

October 2021 Astrological Forecast

Hi! October looks to be rather busy when I look at the stars this month! First off we have Mercury in retrograde bringing focus to our communications and our relationships for the first three weeks of the month not to mention the New Moon in Libra, plus we have some planets going direct once more which always gets things stirring and to top it off, we have a pretty intense Full Moon in Aries which carries a fierce warrior energy this month!

The Mercury Retrograde currently going on just might have you dealing with some petty annoyances, mechanical failures, miscommunication and relationship issues up until it goes direct once more on October 18th. In Libra, the lesson is on creating balance in our lives, harmony in our relationships and order in our environment. Look to see where you need to make some adjustments in your personal life by seeing where Libra falls in your chart. During the retrograde period, I always advise that people remember the “re” prefix and focus on things of that nature. Such as: repair, redo, rewrite, renew, revise, remove, etc. Mercury retrograde favors the “re” prefix and any endeavor undertaken with that in mind will benefit during this time. If you find you must travel during this time, it is wise to have backup plans and to prepare for delays and possibly missing luggage. Keep these things in mind and practice patience, and you should get through it just fine.

We have the New Moon on October 6th at 13 degrees of Libra and this means that the Sun and the Moon are in alignment in the skies. A New Moon is a great time for setting new intentions for yourself and putting your plans in motion. In Libra, we have the focus mostly on relationships but also on finding balance and harmony in our personal lives. Where do you need to adjust your sails? What can you do to ensure more equality and fairness in your life? What do you need to compromise on? And how can you bring yourself back into balance? Set your intentions to match the energy of Libra to make the most of this New Moon and to get even more personal insight, look to see where 13 degrees of Libra is in your chart. If you need help, come see me. Join us for our New Moon Meditation that night for a guided meditation to help you set new intentions for yourself.

Also happening on October 6th is the planet Pluto going direct (it’s still a planet in astrology!) at 24 degrees of Capricorn. Pluto’s motion is typically felt on a global and generational level and this one I feel is significant because as it moves forward once more through Capricorn, it makes its way towards the same degree it was in when the United States of America was first born in 1776. This is revolutionary energy! This is called the Pluto Return and this is a biggie! It will be exact in February of 2022, but we are already beginning to feel the effects of it. Pluto is about death and rebirth in astrology, as well as power and control. Pluto is the great renovator of the solar system. His energy comes in and totally destroys things then he rebuilds it all, and it’s bigger and better. But the hard part is the destruction, the demolition period can be brutal, especially if we forget that there is a rebirth soon to come.

Capricorn often represents structures, traditions, big business, government and institutions in mundane astrology. With Pluto making its return, we are witnessing the death and rebirth of the USA and its structures. This can look very scary for some people but I reassure you that there is a rebirth soon to come! The key is to keep your eyes on the changes you want to see, the things you wish to be a part of, the causes you truly wish to support and the rebirth of hope for our country. On a personal level, look to see if you have any planets or angles around 24 degrees of the cardinal signs in your chart. The cardinal signs are Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries. If you do, prepare for change! Come see me if you need help.

On October 7th, Venus enters Sagittarius. While Venus is here, we can expect to see more action in our love lives and/or our financial lives. Venus is the planet of desire and she represents what it is we value in our lives. Whether that is a relationship, a home, a fat bank account, a hobby, a new car or a satisfying career, Venus keeps us focused on our desires so that we can work toward realizing them. Venus in Sagittarius gets bored easily though so you just might find that you can’t keep your interest in one thing or person for long while she is here. It’s best to go with the flow with this one and try not to take too many big risks. Venus stays here until November 5th.

On October 10th, Saturn goes direct at 6 degrees of Aquarius. Saturn’s forward motion will usually see us getting our feet back on the ground after a period of readjustment. It's time to get our ducks in a row and to get to work! And if we’ve been good workers and did what we needed during its retrograde, then Saturn just might reward us too. Saturn’s forward motion is followed a few days later on October 17th by Jupiter going direct at 22 degrees of Aquarius. Jupiter’s influence brings a more enthusiastic and hopeful energy to our endeavors as well as new opportunities.

On a global level, with these two guys going direct once more, I am betting we are going to see a lot more activity happening in the crowds. Aquarius is the sign of individuality, of the rebel and of the people and these two planets have been stirring things up with Aquarius energy all year long! More protests in the streets? You bet. And more public outcry for systematic change, for transparency in our government and more resistance to the tyranny many people find themselves under. And let’s not forget Pluto’s overreaching influence here, bringing destruction to the old systems before it can be renewed. Intense times, folks but hang in there. I see healing ahead, I see growth ahead, I see renewal. But first, we must get through the demolition part. Jupiter’s influence reminds us that we must keep our eyes on the horizon and that everything is constantly in a state of evolution. This means inevitable improvement. Have faith and you will find your way through this change. Life can and will get better if you first hold space for it in your heart.

Then on October 18th, Mercury goes direct and I see the potential for some big news coming, especially with the Full Moon in Aries on October 20th. Mercury goes direct at 10 degrees of Libra and we get a break finally from the bumpy ride it has had us on since the end of September. Hopefully by now we have learned the lessons available to us and we are going to enjoy the fruits of our labor come the Aries Full Moon. However, this is a rather explosive full moon and it could spell trouble for some of us if we are not mindful of our energies. This is happening at 27 degrees of Aries, look to see if you have any planets or angles near 27 degrees in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) for possible signs of tension in your personal life. Be sure to stay grounded and release what needs to be let go of in order for you to move on with your life. Join us for our Moon Meditation to get some guidance on this.

On October 22nd, the Sun enters Scorpio and the energy shifts from our environment and our relationships to our shared resources, our ideas about the inevitable things in life such as death and taxes, and our own power to transform ourselves. Look to see which house Scorpio rules in your chart to see which area of your life is highlighted while the Sun is here. This is where you can place your focus for the coming New Moon and Full Moons in November.

On October 30th, Mars enters Scorpio and we get even more energy encouraging us to invigorate our lives and make the changes necessary for our progress. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio and holds more power when it occupies this sign. This is good energy to help you make positive changes in your life, just be careful not to assert your will onto others or neglect their role in your life as this will surely cause power struggles. Make use of this energy to help you focus on your personal goals and ambitions. Mars stays here until December 13th.

In Numerology, October is a Number 6 universal month. This energy is very domestic and it seeks comfort, nurturing and security. There is often a sense of duty and responsibility with the number 6 energy and the needs of the family or the group will usually outweigh personal needs. This is a month for creating a safe space at home and in your personal life, it’s also a good time for attending to any duties you might have been neglecting. But don’t let the responsibilities of this number bear down too much, remember to seek balance and moderation in your life; work hard, play hard.

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal so planetary transits and numerical influences like the ones described above will affect each one of us differently according to our own personal charts. To see how it affects yours, book your appointment with me. Don’t forget I can do phone and video readings! For more details, click the button below or reply to this email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

With all these planets turning direct and with a few going into new signs, we have a lot of potential for energy shifts which usually means catalytic events, so hang in there if you feel that life is forcing change upon you. I encourage you to go with the flow and be open to the new possibilities. Evolution comes through asking for improvement but you have to be willing to let go of anything that might be standing in the way of that improvement before it can happen. In other words, sometimes a door must close before another can open. Creation is ever evolving and so should you be. Keep that in mind should you see a door closing just keep faith in your heart because soon another will open.

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy

OCTOBER SPECIAL - Past Life Reading $75

Why do you have particular habits or affinities? Why do you resonate more with certain places, people and ideas? Why do you have certain likes, dislikes, hopes and fears? How come you can’t seem to let someone or something go? These questions and more can be answered with a special clairvoyant reading designed to look into any past life influences that are relevant to your current life and what they could mean for you in the future. Get this special 60 minute reading for only $75 this month when you use coupon code PastLife2021 when booking your reading.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding 18,19,20. Challenging 5,6

TAURUS: Rewarding 21,22. Challenging 7,8

GEMINI: Rewarding 23,24,25. Challenging 9,10,11

CANCER: Rewarding 26,27. Challenging 12,13

LEO: Rewarding 1,2,28,29,30. Challenging 14,15

VIRGO: Rewarding 3,4,31. Challenging 16,17

LIBRA: Rewarding 5,6. Challenging 18,19,20

SCORPIO: Rewarding 7,8. Challenging 21,22

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 9,10,11. Challenging 23,24,25

CAPRICORN: Rewarding 12,13. Challenging 26,27

AQUARIUS: Rewarding 14,15. Challenging 1,2,28,29,30

PISCES: Rewarding 16,17. Challenging 3,4,31

October Events

All events start at 6:15 pm and end by 8 pm. RSVP required.

  • New Moon Meditation October 6th - FREE

  • Psychic Development 101 October 13th and 27th - $20 each class

  • Metaphysical Book Club October 2nd, 16th and 30th - FREE

  • Full Moon Meditation October 20th - FREE

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