Subject: November Astrological Forecast ⭐🔮🌜

November 2021 Astrological Forecast

November has some very interesting planetary activity and it looks to be an intriguing time for finding hidden information. The theme of freedom is strong as well as the theme of finding our personal security. We are sure to see a lot more happening at the global level that ties into our sense of security and our natural right to freedom as the month progresses.

First off we have the New Moon in Scorpio on November 4th. This can be a very powerful time for personal transformation, rebirth and renewal. Emotions are always more intense during a New Moon phase and in Scorpio, it’s doubly so! And let’s not forget the opposition with Uranus this New Moon will be making - spelling possible surprises, or unusual events, rebellion or even just increased restlessness for some of us. On a global scale, this could include some trouble with: security, finances, earth changes, land real estate, food, and natural resources. We could also see even more protests and riots in the streets in the coming weeks as people fight for their medical freedom. It’s not a bad idea to secure some resources for yourself and your family in preparation but try not to give in to the panic and remember that true security comes first as an inner knowing. It’s not found in something outside of you.

On a personal level, this is sometimes a call to make big changes, whether wanted or not. Be sure to check in with yourself on the days leading up to it to get an idea on how the Scorpio energy is moving in your life. Then be sure that you are staying grounded so that you can navigate easily through any bumps. Staying grounded means being more mindful and present in your body and in the moment, and less scattered with your thoughts and energy focused on the past or the future. Meditation helps greatly with this. I am holding a free New Moon Meditation on Nov. 4th at 6:15 pm if you care to get some guidance and some socializing! RSVP here.

You will get more insight on this New Moon if you see where 12 degrees of Scorpio is in your chart. Contact me if you need help with that. This is a brilliant time for affirmations having to do with starting over, personal transformation and any area in your life that needs new life breathed into it. Typically what I have seen is that three days after the New Moon is when things come to a point where you must deal with anything in your life that is preventing you from moving forward. So if you set your intentions on the New Moon and then three days later find yourself dealing with a heavier emotional response than you expected, this is why. This is the time to sit with the emotions, not to act on them so give yourself a break should you be dealing with anything like that around the 7th of November and know that things will get better soon enough.

On November 5th, Venus enters Capricorn and our thoughts on what is valuable and desired in our lives are filtered through the goal orientated sign of Capricorn, forcing many of us to get more serious about our relationships and our finances. Venus here seeks true value and lasting quality in relationships as well as in material goods, so this is a good time to reassess those two areas of love and money in your life and see what adjustments are needed. Just remember not to get too serious and businesslike, your financial life might like that but your love lie won’t. Leave room for balance!

Also happening on November 5th, Mercury enters Scorpio. While Mercury is in this intuitive sign, we often see our attention drawn to mysteries, intrigue, taboo subjects and the keeping or discovering of secrets. Scorpio also has to deal with the darker side of humanity, the underbelly if you will. Think criminals, dirty sex, violence, etc. Scorpio isn’t shy talking about any of that and doesn’t think we need to be if we are being real. With this planetary ingress happening so close to the New Moon, I wonder if we shall see the disclosure of certain clandestine information in the following weeks. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Keep your eyes and ears open and be sure to check beyond the mainstream media for as they say “the revolution will not be televised”. It’s interesting times we are living in and I am eagerly watching as more and more secrets are finally being revealed. I see the likelihood of more and more lies being exposed over the next few weeks. Grab your popcorn!

The following week has a lot of fixed sign energy hitting us, making it more difficult to accept changes and possibly bringing up some spiteful attitudes. We are also likely to see more revelations and possibly some more fuel being added to political and societal fires. This adds to the coming energy of Mars in Scorpio in direct opposition with Uranus on November 17th, which can really bring out some aggressions, tensions and rebellious activity. This can be explosive! Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio and is completely comfortable here. He rules our personal desires and wants and when he’s in Scorpio - it’s a ruthless drive that will not give up easily. With Uranus bringing in shock, change and rebellion, we could see quite a bit of turbulence around this time especially when it comes to issues of survival being threatened which is where many of us are right now.

On November 19th, we have the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 27 degrees of Taurus and this is a pretty significant energy! Eclipses are often catalytic and will act as an ending or a beginning for all kinds of matters. Issues of personal security as well as where you feel you need to make major overhauls are likely to be present. With such intense energy between Scorpio and Taurus this month, we see the accumulation of things coming to a boiling point with this Full Moon. If anything still lies hidden in the shadows at this time, this is sure to bring it to the surface. This can include those things which reside in our subconscious. Stay grounded and be sure to take some “me” time should you feel the need arise. Look to see where Scorpio and Taurus are in your chart to get a better idea on how this affects you personally, come see me if you have trouble. I’m hosting a Full Moon Meditation on the 18th if you care to join me!

On November 21, the Sun enters Sagittarius followed three days later by Mercury entering Sagittarius on the 24th. This gives us a little bit of an energetic break from the previous three weeks which is nice as we settle fully into the Holiday Season. Sagittarius encourages us to think big, to consider the universe and your place within it, and to expand your life and your mind through experience and adventure. While the Sun and Mercury are here, it is a good idea to learn something new, to visit a new land or even a museum if you can’t travel far, or just be sure to do some exploring and discover fun, new things to keep you active and interested during the colder months.

In Numerology, November is a number 7 Universal Month. This is a number that wants to understand things, and loves to discover new truths and insights. It also has a very philosophical and higher mind type of energy to it, encouraging us to go within and spend some time reflecting this month. Perhaps as we learn new things and do our own research, we will find ourselves rethinking things and going deeper within ourselves to discover our truth. This is usually a solitary number so you may find yourself wanting to be alone a little more often, just don’t let any feelings of isolation overcome you. Finally this is also a spiritual number and is a good time for seeking a deeper connection with Spirit, not that it’s ever not a good time to do so, but doing so with the number 7 energy behind you gives you a better understanding of your soul’s journey and a greater chance for personal transformation.

Overall, November looks to be rather intense for the most part. It’s not a bad idea to have some supplies on hand as the Uranus in Taurus energy is predictably unpredictable, but I don’t want you to panic. Follow your heart, follow your intuition and meditate so that you can be clear enough to receive the insight you will need during this time. There’s no telling how this will play out on a global level, let alone an individual one. I just encourage you to keep your eye on the prize - which is the New Earth we have all been asking for through this global revolution. Don’t be blinded by the news and social media, use your own eyes and judge for yourself the state of your personal reality. If it isn't in alignment with the dream you have for your life, now is the time to make the necessary changes, no matter how scary they might seem. Don’t forget your superpower - your focus. When you look around and see the changes, you have a choice on how you wish to view it. You can see it as destruction, loss and chaos or you can see it as a needed renovation to make way for something better to come along.

Your feelings will let you know what kind of personal reality you are creating with your focus. If it doesn’t feel so good, change your focus and look for the wanted instead. Focus on the desired change, focus on how it’s already happening and if you can’t find evidence of it already happening, do something to create it. This is how we create a better world: by using our imagination and our focus as our creative mechanism, by using our emotions as our guidance and by tapping into our faith that things can and will get better if we follow our hearts. Faith sometimes is the hardest part for many of us, but remember it is the faithful who get the rewards.

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal so planetary transits and numerical influences like the ones described above will affect each one of us differently according to our own personal charts. To see how it affects yours, book your appointment with me. Don’t forget I can do phone and video readings! For more details, click the button below or reply to this email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy

P.S. - We are planning a Winter Holiday Party! Won't you come celebrate with us? See more below!

Upcoming Events

Every Wednesday - Psychic Development Group

Every other Saturday - Metaphysical Book Club

11/4 - New Moon in Scorpio Meditation

11/8 - Making Friends with Astrology

11/18 - Full Moon in Taurus Meditation

12/3 - New Moon in Sagittarius/Winter Holiday Party

12/18 - Full Moon in Gemini Meditation

Join us for our Winter Holiday Party!

Come celebrate the season with us! First join us for a guided meditation followed by games and socializing over snacks and beverages. Bring a dollar tree gift (or an item worth $1) to join in the games! Join the scavenger hunt for your chance to win a $25 gift card for our shop! Get to know your local metaphysical community, remove negativity and make new friends, plus enjoy a special 20% off all store merchandise while attending the event! Event is free, but seating is limited so RSVP is required. Donations accepted. Learn more here.

NOVEMBER SPECIAL - Meet Your Spirit Guides $40

Have you ever wondered who your spirit guide is? Or perhaps your animal totem? Or perhaps you know but find it difficult to communicate with them. In this clairvoyant reading, I take a look to see who your guides are, what they are telling you and how you can increase your communication with them. Receive this special 30 minute reading for only $40 this month when using coupon code: Spirits2021 when booking.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

  • ARIES: Rewarding 14,15,16. Challenging 2,3,29,30

  • TAURUS: Rewarding 17,18. Challenging 4,5

  • GEMINI: Rewarding 19,20,21. Challenging 6,7

  • CANCER: Rewarding 22,23. Challenging 8,9

  • LEO: Rewarding 24,25,26. Challenging 10,11

  • VIRGO: Rewarding 1,27,28. Challenging 12,13

  • LIBRA: Rewarding 2,3,29,30. Challenging 14,15,16

  • SCORPIO: Rewarding 4,5. Challenging 17,18

  • SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 6,7. Challenging 19,20,21

  • CAPRICORN: Rewarding 8,9. Challenging 22,23

  • AQUARIUS: Rewarding 10,11. Challenging 24,25,26

  • PISCES: Rewarding 12,13. Challenging 1,27,28

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