Subject: November 2023 Astrological Forecast 🍂✨🍁


November 2023 Astrological Forecast

Wow, this year has flown by and it’s getting pretty wild! We are experiencing much turmoil in the world as we head into 2024, but I assure you that this was all planned and it does eventually have a happy ending. We can see it in the stars. We are ending an old age, the Age of Pisces and we are entering into a new age, the Age of Aquarius. The old way of living as humans on this planet is ending as a new way is emerging. We are in the in-between stage and that’s always a messy time. As the old age dies, we are awakened to new truths as the old illusions that kept us limited are exposed (an attribute of the Age of Pisces). This can be disheartening as things look bleak, but remember that illusions are prevalent right now. False information is everywhere. You may not be seeing the whole truth, you must trust your inner wisdom. Now more than ever we must call upon our faith in something grander than us. We can trust that It is orchestrating things behind the scenes for our benefit. For it is when we can align ourselves with the Higher Self, that we will receive the guidance we sorely need right now both collectively and as individuals. Stay strong my friends. We’ll get through this together and a better time is coming, I promise. 

Now for how to best use the energies of the month of November…

Starting off, we have Saturn, ruler of Capricorn and traditional ruler of Aquarius, going direct. In other words, he’s no longer retrograde and will begin to move forward once more. He’s doing this at 0 degrees of Pisces this time and will continue his movement through Pisces until 2026. When this planet goes direct, we often feel a shifting of energy. This time in Pisces, we can benefit by getting more realistic about our spirituality. Have you been meaning to develop your spiritual and psychic gifts? Now is a great time to set some goals in that area and take practical steps towards developing your psychic abilities! If you would like some help with this, book your one-on-one coaching appointment with me and I can help get you started on your journey. 


On November 8, Venus will enter the sign of Libra. This is Venus’ second home as she rules two signs in our zodiac; Taurus and Libra. So she’s quite cozy here and we can benefit most from her where Libra is in our chart, look to see which house is ruled by Libra to see where Venus is at play in your life right now. This is generally good energy for working with others, spending time with your partner, for finding peaceful win-win solutions and for bringing more beauty and harmony into your life. She will be here until December 4th.

On November 10th, Mercury will enter the sign of Sagittarius and will be there until December 1st. Mercury in Sagittarius is an awkward energy for our minds and our communications, it doesn’t always know how to say what needs to be said in a thoughtful manner and will often jump to conclusions without getting all the facts. It’s a good thing we have Venus in Libra helping us out when it comes to working with others this month! In general, this is a good time for looking at the big picture and for thinking more optimistically. Stay away from detailed mental work if you can help it.

On November 13th, we have a New Moon in Scorpio at 20 degrees. This is a great time for renewing yourself! One of the themes with Scorpio is transformation and rebirth, albeit typically in a powerful and dramatic way. Nonetheless, this is a wonderful time to make a personal transformation, even if it’s not a major one. It’s a good time for letting go of something and starting something brand new. Look to see where Scorpio is in your chart to get an idea on how to best use this for your life. Come see me if you need help with that. 

Join us that night for our Moon Meditation as we guide you on how to manifest  RSVP HERE.

On November 22nd, the Sun enters the sign of Sagittarius.  While the Sun is here, we may feel a little more adventurous as Sagittarius energy inspires us to explore! This is usually a good time to travel. Whether that’s physically or in your mind, be sure to take a little trip to satisfy your curiosity while the Sun is here. Look to see which house is ruled by Sagittarius in your chart to get a better idea on where you can be more of an explorer in your life. The Sun will leave Sagittarius on December 21st. 

On November 24th, Mars enters Sagittarius. We may feel an extra surge of energy in the area ruled by this sign in our charts as this fiery energy gets activated by both the Sun and Mars, the planet of action! This is a good time for physical activity, especially any involving new outdoor adventures (if you can stand the weather!). Mars will be here through the rest of the year. This is a warrior energy that can be tapped into for higher truths as well, so if you feel the call to go within and discover more inner truths, this is a good time for it!

On November 27th, we have the Full Moon in Gemini at 4 degrees. In Gemini, we can expect more information and data coming our way! This is usually a busy Moon energy and can sometimes be very noisy with mental activity. This is a good moon for catching up with friends and neighbors, for games and puzzles and for parties! It’s not the best time for deep conversations though, so don’t try to get anything too emotionally important across at this time. Wait a couple of days if you need to do that. 

Speaking of parties…join us that night for our Moon Meditation. RSVP Here

November 2023 is a number 9 universal month. Typically with the number 9 energy, we see the endings of things, we get the resolutions and the rewards after much work to get there. It is also a very humanitarian and spiritual energy, wanting us to find unity and connection. I see this as very much needed right now as many of us feel alone and disconnected in this crazy world. The energy of the 9 seeks understanding through compassion and therefore the best use of this energy is forgiveness. If you have something you’ve been holding on to that doesn’t serve you, that keeps you feeling small, angry, dis-empowered or fearful, now is the time to forgive and release. Let it out and let it go, in whatever manner serves you best. You’ll feel a whole lot better once you do, guaranteed. If you need help with this and other spiritual goals, book your one-on-one coaching with me and I’ll be happy to help you. 

Overall, the energy of November definitely looks to be a bit softer than October’s. Last month it was full of crazy eclipses and some of us really felt it! This month could be a time of recovery for some of us as we get our bearings. I encourage you to do what you can to uplift your spirits and keep your focus on the peace you wish to see in the world. Keep your focus on what is wanted, not on what is unwanted. It is through our focus that we create and collectively we are creating our world. Keep love and faith in your heart so that you focus only on what you wish to create and I advise you to spend as little time as possible focusing on anything else. Do this for even a little while, and you will feel the energetic difference. Then stay focused a little while longer, and you will eventually see the material results. This is a natural Law of the Universe. 

I wish for you a wonderful month of November. May you find peace in your life and gratitude in your heart as this is the time of year that nature asks us to go within. Mother Nature has a wonderful way of reminding us to spend time with the wisdom within us so we will find our way. Be sure to do that for yourself this month. Be well and as always…

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy

THIS MONTH’S SPECIAL - $25 Off Astrology Readings over 60 minutes

This month, I’m celebrating the subject of astrology by giving you $25 off any astrology reading 60 minutes or longer! There are many options with astrology, but I offer the following types of astrology readings: Natal (birth chart) personality reading, Forecasts (upcoming energies), Couples (synastry and composite charts), Electional (to know when to make important decisions/purchases) and Relocation (to find the best place and time to move). Please note that an accurate birth time is required for all of those charts except the Electional charts. I cannot provide an accurate reading without an accurate birth time. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please use coupon code: ASTRO23! When booking your appointment with me. This coupon is good for appointments booked this month and in December as I am currently booked two weeks out!

New Witches Welcome! New Series of Classes Starting November 3rd

By request, I've been cooking up some new classes for my newbie witches! Starting in November, I will be covering everything you need to know to cast spells effectively.

My newly revised set of classes is designed to be a complete introductory guide to the world of Witchcraft. It will serve you as a first approach to learning how to become a Witch and guide you through casting your first spells.

I plan on covering at least nine weeks of information, if not more. Even if you're a little more advanced in your witchcraft, there's sure to be new stuff for you too in here. I'm also going to include several of my own spells. Plus you get the advantage of asking questions in a live classroom and possibly making new friends! I have several classes planned, I hope you can come to as many as you can. You don't want to miss out on this!

You will learn:

  • What it means to be a Witch

  • How spells really work

  • Step-by-step casting a real spell

  • Using the Moon Phases in your rituals

  • Safety rules for Witchcraft

  • Creating your first Altar

  • What tools you really need for casting spells

  • Working with Candle Magic

  • Signs your spell is working

  • …and more!

If you are more comfortable with one-on-one training, then book your appointments with me for your personal basic training. Then pick and choose which classes you wish to attend after that. I'm running a special right now, three sessions for the price of two. That's $150 worth of savings! Use coupon code: NEWITCH23 to take advantage of the savings.

New set of Classes starts next Friday, November 3rd at 4 pm. Classes are Fridays at 4 pm and run for 60-90 minutes. Cost is $25 per class. Bring a notebook!

If you’re interested, be sure to join my Witch School Newsletter to stay informed of each class, crafting events, special holidays, and magickal tips and spells for you to try! Also be sure to join my new FB group Laughing Gypsy Charm Circle so you can stay in touch with your fellow witches!


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 22,23  Challenging: 9,10 

TAURUS: Rewarding: 24,25,26  Challenging: 11,12,13 

GEMINI: Rewarding: 1,27,28 Challenging: 14,15

CANCER: Rewarding: 2,3,29,30  Challenging: 16,17 

LEO: Rewarding: 4,5 Challenging: 18,19 

VIRGO: Rewarding:  6,7,8 Challenging: 20,21 

LIBRA: Rewarding: 9,10 Challenging: 22,23

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 11,12,13 Challenging: 24,25,26

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 14,15 Challenging: 1,27,28

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 16,17  Challenging: 2,3,29,30

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 18,19  Challenging: 4,5

PISCES: Rewarding: 20,21  Challenging: 6,7,8

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