Subject: New Meditation Space Needed - can you help?

Hello my fellow spiritual seekers. My husband, Brandon and I have just been informed by our landlord that the conference room we have been using for our meditations is going to be converted into offices. This is scheduled to occur in June. Obviously this space will no longer serve our needs as a growing spiritual community.

So we're asking you all if you know of any public space that might be available for our meditations. You can reply to my post on the forums here. We need a space that can accommodate at least 25 people if not more as we grow. Unfortunately, this means that we might have to pay for a space and will therefore have to charge a small admission fee to our meditations after June. If the weather is nice, we can always hold them outdoors in a park like we did during the lockdown.

This community is really growing and as more and more people experience their spiritual awakening, I feel that the demand for this sort of service will increase. We need one another and coming together like we do is healing for us as a planet. I am confident that we will be aligned with the perfect space for our needs.

We are open to any suggestions and welcome your comments on our forums. You will need to register to comment on the forums, but it's quick and free and it's maintained by us, so no worries. And we also welcome you to create a new post and get to know your fellow spiritual community on there too.

Thank you so much,


The Laughing Gypsy

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