Subject: Mercury Retrograde Cometh ✨

Hi. Here’s a quick astrological update!

Mercury, the planet of communication, just entered Virgo today and will be there for just a short time before going retrograde on August 5th. He will go retrograde from 4 degrees of Virgo and will move backwards in the zodiac back into the sign of Leo, going direct once more at 21 degrees of Leo on August 28th. Right now until the 5th, is the shadow period where we are given a preview of the sort of things we are most likely to encounter when Mercury goes retrograde. Pay attention in your personal life over the next 9 days so you are given a little bit more of a heads up and you can make the most of this retrograde.

What does a retrograde mean you ask? When a planet goes retrograde, it appears to be moving backwards in the sky from our vantage point on earth because we are “passing by” them in our orbit. Astrologers have noted certain occurrences when planets do this and with the planet Mercury, it impacts a lot of things in our everyday lives. Mercury rules many things, such as: communication and mental processing, transportation, technology (phones & computers), commerce, medicine and machinery. Any of those subjects are susceptible to Mercury’s retrograde motion. Have patience and have backup plans as often things go amiss during a Mercury retrograde. We often notice things breaking down, including our communication with others as well as our cars, devices and machinery or things go missing or get misplaced or plans get delayed. It can be a frustrating time but it needn’t be as bad as social media likes to make it out to be. You create your own reality after all. Keep your focus on the positive if you want the best outcome!

I suggest doing things that start with the prefix “re” during a Mercury retrograde. That is: redo, repair, rewrite, retreat, relax, etc. This is a time for refining things and an excellent time to clean out clutter! Make the best of this time by tackling those projects that have been bothering you and taking care of the things you keep putting off. It’s an excellent time to get your car in for a tune-up. It’s also not a bad idea to clean out a closet or reorganize your furniture.

Also, slow down when writing your emails. I can't tell you how many times I have heard about someone sending off an angry response to an email during a Mercury RX only to find out they hit the "reply all" button by mistake! Be sure to double check things!

Also I don’t recommend starting anything new if you can help it, including relationships and I would hold off signing any important paperwork if you can until September. In the relationship department, there is a small possibility of hearing from an ex during a Mercury Retrograde but it's not always a good thing. I don't recommend you contacting anyone if you should feel the urge, it usually doesn't go well if you are the one instigating it. I also don’t recommend taking any trips if you can help it or just be prepared for some possible change in plans if you do.

If you know your own chart, look to see where 21 degrees of Leo to 4 degrees of Virgo is to get an idea on what area of your life will most likely need some attention. Look for the houses Leo and Virgo rule and see if there are any planets in there that might be affected by Mercury. If you need some help with this, book your appointment with me. Or if you would like to learn more about astrology and would like to be able to read a chart, consider signing up for my Intro to Astrology Class starting in September!

On the world stage, Mercury retrograde might mean getting more information released to the public and out from the strict censorship of our corporate media. But it might also mean more misinformation and deliberate disinformation coming at us too. It could also mean possible Internet outages or more data breaches. It’s important to develop your discernment and intuition so you can know what’s really going on.

One thing I would like to remind you of is that this world is only going to improve with the continued focus on love and helping one another. So if you’re receiving information to the contrary, telling you to divide yourself from your fellow human, telling you that others are separate and different from you, keep that in mind. We are moving toward unity consciousness which means we can no longer play the game of us vs them. We are One. Love is the strongest force in the universe and it is how we are going to create a better world. Keep your focus on increasing Love in your life and I promise you can get through anything.

I hope this upcoming period treats you well. Come see me if you need some guidance or come into the shop if you just want to soak up the vibes! We’re always working hard to raise the energy in our space and to bring in fun things for you to buy! Take care of yourself, stay grounded and as always….

May the stars guide you,


Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique

Join us for some crafting fun!

This month, we're making magickal brooms! Free but bring your own: twigs, straw or other type of material for the broom, string or glue gun for securing to the handle. And other materials as desired. I'll bring some glue guns, ribbons, flowers and crystals to share.

Jul 30, 2024, 5:30 PM at my shop! Limited seating.

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