Subject: May 2023 Forecast 🌷🔮✨

May 2023 Forecast


This month is about communication, expression, and engaging with life again. A Lunar Eclipse encourages massive spiritual transformation, Venus says it’s time for romance and Mars wants us to take creative action. It’s the perfect time for getting in touch with others, going outdoors, playing games and getting back into the swing of things!


Starting off the month we have Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, intensity and transformation going retrograde on May 1st. Since this is an outer planet in astrology, it’s pretty common for Pluto to go retrograde and it’s not typically felt much unless it happens to make an aspect to a personal planet. Scorpio risings might feel a slight shifting of energies. 

Pluto is currently at 0 degrees of Aquarius, he will go back into Capricorn on June 12th and will move backward to the 27th degree of Capricorn before going direct again in October. And 27 degrees of Capricorn also happens to be the same degree Pluto was at in 1776. This is called a planetary return because the planet returns to the same degree it was in when someone was born or when something happens such as the signing of the Declaration of Independence which is the birth point of the United States. 

The Pluto Return is a big one for a country! We’ve been seeing the energy of this in our country for the past three years as Pluto has been moving back and forth over this degree. Some of the things Capricorn represents are governments, structures and systems, corporations, top down authority and hierarchies. We are seeing the slow destruction of our old society happen right before our very eyes. This has many people worried but I like to take a lesson from Pluto and realize that before the changes we desire can come, we’ve got to destroy what once was. Then we can begin to create something bigger and better than ever before. As Pluto finally rests into Aquarius and leaves Capricorn for another 240 years or so, we are going to see some major changes in our society. Personally I feel that we are ushering in the new Age of Aquarius and this means that it’s time for the People as Aquarius is the sign of Humanity. Anything that is not supporting humanity will not be supported in this new era and anything that puts profits over people will fail. 

Pluto will finally be done with Capricorn in November 2024, so we have a little more craziness to witness before the planet of rebirth is done with us as a country. Those signs most affected on a personal level by this transition are people born on the cusp of Capricorn/Aquarius, Aries/Taurus, Cancer/Leo, and Libra/Scorpio. 

When Pluto enters Pisces in 2043, our country will be transformed completely and then Pluto will work on transforming the planet. Pluto enters Aries, a new cycle in the zodiac in 2067. I believe we will have a very different world by this time.  

On May 5th we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 14 degrees of Scorpio. This can definitely be an intense energy and if you have been ignoring your emotions, then they just might sneak out on you tonight. This is a Moon to become aware of the subconscious and uncover secrets! Full Moon Eclipses show us those things beneath the surface, the things we do not normally see in the light of day and those things we may wish to keep hidden.

This is an excellent time for getting in touch with your inner child and healing any emotional wounds that might rise up out of nowhere. Scorpio Moons teach us not to be afraid of our emotions, they only hurt when you don’t let them go. Emotions are energy and if you don’t allow yourself to feel them, they hang around and sabotage you. As much as we think we can stuff them down, ignore them or suck them up, this energy remains and it is real. It won’t go away until you let them go and you can’t let them go without feeling them first. You gotta feel it to heal it, that’s my motto. Scorpio Moon says feel it and let it go so that you can make room for change. 

Join us that night for a free guided Moon Meditation! 

On May 7th, Venus enters Cancer. When she is here, we can expect our desires to become a little more personal and we might seek comfort from our loved ones more often. This is a very romantic energy for Venus and with the better weather, it’s an excellent time for a romantic getaway!

Mercury goes direct on May 14th and we can all breathe a sigh of relief as hopefully our gadgets and our cars are working once again! Mercury has been in retrograde since April 21st through the sign of Taurus. Now that Mercury goes forward once more, we can get back to focusing on starting new projects, especially those things that need time to grow. 

Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16th and stays there for the next year. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance. Jupiter rules faith and fortune. He’s everybody’s favorite Uncle giving out puppies at Christmas but sometimes he doesn’t know when to stop. In Taurus, the sign of earthly material things, things look good for more growth and opportunities for sure! While under the influence of Pluto, how this plays out is anybody’s guess as we might see a surge forward in brand new ways. Perhaps a new economy will emerge, perhaps we will see an influx of material things, perhaps we will see people becoming more grounded and connected to the earth. In all cases, I see good things with Jupiter here. 

We have a New Moon at 28 degrees of Taurus on May 19th. This is an excellent time for planning long term goals and planting the seeds for change! Take advantage of this time and set your intentions for growth and positive change in your life. 

Join us that night for a free guided Moon Meditation!

Mars enters Leo on May 20th and the energy shifts towards looking for ways to have more fun with our time. Mars in Leo is active and creative, take advantage of this time and plan some outdoor activities to get your blood pumping! Best use of this energy is spent on creative projects and fun times with your kids. Have fun!

The Sun enters Gemini on May 21st and we get some more active energy with this. While the Sun is here, it’s an excellent time for catching up on your contacts, siblings, cousins and neighbors. This is a good time for socializing, playing games and learning something new! The Sun will be here until June 21st on the Summer Solstice.


May 2023 is a number 3 universal month. Number 3 in numerology is the number of creative expressions, of the media and all forms of communication and it’s also the number of humor and joy! On a world level, we might be seeing some more interesting things in our media and on the internet! On a personal level, this is some nice energy as we welcome in the warmer weather. This goes right along with the Gemini energy I just mentioned, it is an excellent time for getting in touch with others, for playing games, and for expressing yourself. This is a great month for doing art work or other creative things, going to events, socializing and meeting new people. Enjoy!

TAROT READING (The Illuminati Tarot)

This month’s tarot card theme is the Four of Cups reversed. I feel that it’s in alignment with the energies of the stars and numbers too as it’s suggesting that it’s time to re-engage with life! If we’ve been keeping ourselves distant and numb from our emotions, now is the time to get back into our hearts and feel them again. As a whole, many of us have been emotionally withdrawn and unable to deal with the stresses of our society. But the energy on the planet now is saying it’s time for a breakthrough. It’s time now to begin integrating new emotional strength into our everyday lives! 

Overall, I would say that this is a month for communicating, recreating and engaging in more joyful activities. And it's about time! The world’s still a crazy place, but your personal reality doesn’t need to be. Take advantage of these energies and go have some fun!

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy

Astrology and numerology are global as well as personal and will affect you differently depending on when and where you were born. To see how the above transits affect you personally or to get some guidance from your spirit guides, book your appointment with me. I also offer life coaching and psychic counseling should you be in need and don’t forget, I offer long distance readings too!



Many times we can sense a change is coming but we may not know what to expect or which way to turn. This reading will give you a forecast of what is coming your way so you can be prepared. Use coupon code: WINDS23 to save $20 off this reading booked through May 1 - May 31, 2023 with proper coupon code.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 15,16 Challenging: 29,30,31 

TAURUS: Rewarding: 17,18,19  Challenging: 4,5,6

GEMINI: Rewarding: 20,21 Challenging: 7,8

CANCER: Rewarding: 22,23 Challenging: 9,10 

LEO: Rewarding: 24,25,26 Challenging: 11,12

VIRGO: Rewarding: 1,27,28 Challenging: 13,14

LIBRA: Rewarding: 29,30,31 Challenging: 15,16

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 4,5,6 Challenging: 17,18,19 

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 7,8 Challenging: 20,21

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 9,10 Challenging: 22,23 

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 11,12 Challenging: 24,25,26

PISCES: Rewarding: 13,14 Challenging: 1,27,28

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