Subject: May 2022 Astrology and Numerology ⭐🔮🌜

May 2022 Astrological & Numerology Forecast

The month of May is one of those months that packs quite an energetic punch! Will this month be eventful? Considering the fact that we are starting the month the morning after a solar eclipse, and that there’s a lunar eclipse mid-month, plus Mercury going retrograde and of course, Jupiter’s ingress into Aries…yeah, I’d say it will more than likely be eventful! And let’s not forget the numerology of May 2022. It’s an 11 month and that’s the number of spiritual messages, illumination and inner wisdom. So we have things coming to light, we have shifts in perspectives and we have the potential for great spiritual growth! The year 2022 has been crazy enough for sure, but it’s been pretty mild astrologically speaking. But starting in May, that changes. It should be an interesting month indeed and the eclipses seem to be setting the stage for more events to come in the following months!

As we start the month under the shadow of the Solar Eclipse happening on April 30th, we are met with strong Taurus energy encouraging us to withstand the storm. The message is to slow down, be present, be in your body and ground yourself. Taurus energy is known for its stubbornness, but we can also view it as tenacity when it is used to help us endure during rough times. And times are getting rougher and rougher every day as we see our old world struggling under the weight of outdated systems whose time has come. The current energy of Uranus in Taurus brings about shocks, surprises and erratic-ness to Taurus aligned things such as: land values, food and natural resources, the economy and material goods in general. As the Sun moves to align itself with Uranus on May 5th, we might see yet another example of that surprising Uranus energy. This could be anything, but know what Uranus rules and what Taurus rules, it wouldn’t hurt to make a few preparations. Economic collapse is definitely a possibility, as is our land and resources being adversely affected and even the internet might have some issues. We’re already seeing this in some areas right now. If you haven’t already, I would advise you to make emergency plans and set aside some supplies for you and your family as there’s no telling how this Uranus energy will play out. It is the planet of unpredictability, after all. Better safe than sorry, I say. Nevertheless, it is always a good idea to prepare for the worst but expect the best because it always feels better to see the glass half full and I’m all about feeling as happy as you can be, even during the apocalypse!

On May 2nd, Venus enters the sign of Aries and the planet of love takes on a more aggressive tone. Some brash impulses to fulfill our personal desires might be activated with this energy. There is a tendency to take more risks too. Many people will be tempted to act impulsively to fulfill their base desires and that sometimes means at the expense of other people so do your best to remember to play nice should you feel this coming up in you. Venus in Aries is bold and daring, but sometimes reckless. Aries is the sign of the self and when Venus is here, she doesn’t always play nice as it’s sort of a “every man for himself” reaction when higher wisdom isn’t applied. Venus is only here for a short while though as she moves into Taurus, one of her home signs on May 28th but more on that later.

Mercury is very busy this month as he moves to retrograde on May 10th at 4 degrees of Gemini, then regresses back through the sign of Taurus at the 26th degree until June 3rd. Mercury rules Gemini and for the days leading up to the retrograde, we can catch a glimpse of the issues that might possibly come up for us during the retrograde while we are in what is called “The Storm”. The Storm is when Mercury is moving less than 40 minutes of arc per day as it appears to slow down before going retrograde. The Storm acts like a preview of the retrograde so pay attention to what’s going on from May 3rd up to May 10th in your life to get a personal preview of the retrograde issues you might face. Look to see which house is ruled by Gemini in your chart to see how this might play out for you. This preview will help you make the best use of this time. If you need help with that, come and see me for a personal astrological consultation.

As with any Mercury Retrograde, this is not the most ideal time for starting new projects or making important purchases so if you can put it off until after June 3rd, do so to save yourself from extra work and possible headaches. Things tend to go a little bit haywire during a Mercury Retrograde so it’s best to plan ahead for delays, bring an extra set of whatever it is you’re bringing with you and have backup plans just in case. And finally, have patience. Just doing those things can save you a lot of grief during a Mercury Retrograde time. This is a time for revision, redoing and repairing, not starting new things.

Also happening on May 10th, the planet Jupiter moves into the sign of Aries and we are sure to feel some shifts with this one, especially if we have any planets in the first few degrees of the fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, it tends to make things bigger, whether for good or not, and it encourages higher thoughts and spiritual growth. It often brings in a sense of exploration and adventure. When Aries is involved, we have the energy of the warrior added to the mix. Considering the possible revelations coming about this month, we just might see people taking on more of that spiritual warrior energy as the year progresses!

We have a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio happening on May 15th. This is happening at 25 degrees of Scorpio so if you have any personal planets or angles at or near 25 degrees, pay attention. Fixed signs are going to feel this one the most and those are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Cancer types might also feel this one pretty deeply too. Join us for a Full Moon meditation on Saturday, May 14th and release the old, unwanted energies in your life to make room for the new, better and transformative energies headed our way. Eclipses often act as catalysts for change and if this is making a personal impact in your chart, you can bet that change is on the horizon.

Some of the matters Scorpio corresponds with are secrets, taboos, sexuality, personal power and deep transformation on a spiritual level. Taurus, on the other hand corresponds with the energies of loyalty, integrity, steadfastness and anchoring oneself in the physical plane. Together they merge forces between the spiritual and material worlds which produces something greater than they could alone. The Moon’s nodes are currently on the Taurus/Scorpio axis, ushering in the balancing of energies between these two polarities. This is about karmic justice. With the exposure of the Scorpio Moon by the Taurus Sun, we just might see more of the exposure of some big and scandalous secrets on the world stage. And/or we might see a growing need for unity and loyalty to our fellow humans. We shall see how this plays out, but I encourage you to stay in your heart as love is the unifying force in this universe.

Sun enters Gemini on May 20th and the energy shifts to a more frantic pace as Gemini is a very busy sign. It doesn’t know how to sit still and this energy encourages us to open up, to talk, to socialize, to learn and to know. Look to see which house is ruled by Gemini to know which area of your life will be highlighted while the Sun is here. This is also the house being affected by Mercury’s retrograde this month. For help on that, book your reading with me and ask me about my newest monthly subscription service where you get personalized horoscopes recorded for you by me every month. Make the best use of this time while the Sun is in Gemini by learning something new. Gemini is the sign of the student, so it’s a great time for educating yourself!

Mercury ventures back into Taurus on May 22nd as it moves retrograde through the zodiac and will go to 26 degrees of Taurus before turning back around again on June 3rd. Take a look for anything in the sign of Taurus in your chart to see if it will be touched by Mercury in the later degrees of Taurus.

Mars enters his own sign of Aries on May 24th and we will most likely feel a surge of energy in our personal lives with this! Mars is the planet that rules our base desires and physical needs, it also rules our drive and ambition and our need to conquer new territory. In the sign of Aries, he’s right at home but sometimes he can forget that other people exist so try not to take things too personally should you feel others are being rather self-focused. This can sometimes bring out our aggression if we have been ignoring our own needs and catering to others instead. Stay on top of that by owning up to what is yours and what is not and creating clear boundaries to support your growth.

Venus enters her own sign of Taurus on May 28th and the frantic, “me first” energy of Venus in Aries teeters off to make way for the “stop and smell the roses” message of Venus in Taurus. Venus is at home here and loves to enjoy the finer things in life. This is a good reminder to slow down, to relax and to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Venus in Taurus reminds us what it is we work so hard for and to slow down long enough to enjoy the little luxuries life has to bring.

We end the month with a New Moon in Gemini on May 30th at 9 degrees of Gemini. This New Moon makes a beneficial aspect with Chiron, denoting the possibility of healing coming perhaps through the delivery of news that promises new insights. This is a great time to make new intentions that involve the ability to adapt and to go with the flow. Gemini is the chameleon of the zodiac, capable of changing itself to adapt to the changing situation. While some may see this as unstable, mother nature reminds us that at times, the ability to bend with the wind is just what we need in order not to break our branches. Join us that night for our guided New Moon meditation and learn how to manifest your desires.

In numerology, the month of May is a number 11 month. The number 11 is a Master Number in numerology and it is considered one that brings with it many spiritual truths. This is a great time for slowing down, meditating, daydreaming, listening, grounding and relaxing. Many people ask me what they can do to help increase their ability to hear their guidance, to commune with their spirit guides and to increase their psychic abilities. I say, utilize the energies of the 11 in your life and slow down. Turn off your cell phone and go be in nature. Nature heals. Go outside and meditate, watch the water, watch the birds, breathe deeply, move slowly, smell the flowers, walk barefoot on the earth and soak in the sunshine. And for goodness’ sake, smile more often, laugh more often, dance more often! These things will help bring you into alignment and help you to slow down enough and lift you up enough to hear your guidance. If you want change in your life, then you must make these little changes to your life. This month, give it a try and see how you feel. I guarantee you won’t feel any worse!

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal so planetary transits and numerical influences like the ones described above will affect each one of us differently according to our own personal charts. To see how it affects yours, book your appointment with me. Don’t forget I can do phone and video readings! For more details, click the button below or reply to this email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

I hope the month of May treats you kindly. Remember to take time for yourself and to ground often! And as always…

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

  • ARIES: Rewarding: 25,26 Challenging: 12,13

  • TAURUS: Rewarding: 1,27,28,29 Challenging: 14,15

  • GEMINI: Rewarding: 2,3,30,31 Challenging: 16,17

  • CANCER: Rewarding: 4,5,6 Challenging: 18,19

  • LEO: Rewarding: 7,8,9 Challenging: 20,21

  • VIRGO: Rewarding: 10,11 Challenging: 22,23,24

  • LIBRA: Rewarding: 12,13 Challenging: 25,26

  • SCORPIO: Rewarding: 14,15 Challenging: 1, 27, 28, 29

  • SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 16,17 Challenging: 2,3,30,31

  • CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 18,19 Challenging: 4,5,6

  • AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 20,21 Challenging: 7,8,9

  • PISCES: Rewarding: 22,23,24 Challenging: 10,11

MONTHLY SPECIAL READING - Akashic Records Reading

This clairvoyant reading is designed to take a deeper look into your past lives and how they affect you today, what lessons you are to learn from them and any healing that is still required to let go and release your karma. This reading is 60 minutes to 90 minutes long depending on our journey through your soul’s record. Save $25 off this reading in the month of May by using coupon code: AKASH22 upon booking.

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