Subject:Ā May 2021 Astrological Forecast šŸ”®šŸŒ·šŸ˜

May 2021 Astrological Forecast

Spring has sprung and even though it's Taurus season in the first half of the month, Gemini gets its energy in early! Itā€™s all about new information and adapting to that information as Gemini comes in strong this month. First of all, on May 3rd, Mercury enters Gemini and this can really pick up the pace in our lives! Mercury naturally rules Gemini (and Virgo) and so it is well at home here. Gemini is very social and it loves to gather and share information. Gemini is also the great multitasker of the zodiac and the master chameleon, able to adapt to any situation. When Mercury, the planet of communication and mental thought processes is here, we can expect our social and mental activity to increase as well as our need to stimulate our minds with new information, new thoughts and new conversations. This is a good time for making new connections and getting back in touch with old friends.Ā 

Mercury will enjoy an especially long stint through this sign thanks to a Mercury Retrograde happening on May 29th. This Mercury retrograde holds a powerful punch thanks to it being in its own sign of Gemini, which could have many of us having a difficult time processing new information for a bit. But if we take a hint from Gemini and learn to go with the flow, to bend with the wind, then we can adapt to this news and integrate it into our minds. Mercury will go direct once more on June 22nd and will remain in Gemini until July 12th. As with any Mercury Retrograde, I advise avoiding making any important decisions, signing contracts or making big purchases during this time if you can help it. Instead, utilize the prefix ā€œreā€ and use this time to regroup, rethink, repair, review, and redo. And with this one, I would also advise being extra, super duper careful in your communication of all sorts. Itā€™s way too easy to accidentally send the wrong text or email under this planetary influence!

We get some more Gemini energy coming at us when Venus enters Gemini on May 8th. With Venus, our love life and our financial lives are affected and in the sign of Gemini, variety is the spice of life and intellectual stimulation is where itā€™s at. So this is a great time for socializing, for keeping things light and playful, for learning new things and for hanging out with friends. This is not a great time for serious conversations or serious decisions. Venus in Gemini is flirty, playful and not at all serious, so have some fun and donā€™t get bogged down with too many details.Ā 

We have a New Moon in Taurus on May 11th at 21 degrees Taurus. With all that airy energy of Gemini going around, this New Moon brings in some wonderful grounding energy and reminds us to be in the moment. This might be a challenge with so much mental activity going on but itā€™s exactly what we need from time to time. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, which lifts up the energies and reminds us to look for the value in our everyday lives. This New Moon, take some time to be in nature, to stop and enjoy the view, to linger over your meal a little longer, and to indulge in the delights of the senses. Join me for a guided New Moon meditation, and learn how this Taurus energy will affect you and your personal chart.Ā 

Then on May 13th, Jupiter enters Pisces and this energy is anything but grounded! Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces and so it is more potent here. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth, exploration and abundance. Pisces is the sign of creative vision, psychic impressions and universal compassion. While Jupiter is here, our faith is often restored and our vision renewed. This is a very idealistic energy, which sometimes has a hard time getting realized without some sort of grounding or direction. Since Jupiter is only in Pisces for a little while before it goes retrograde into Aquarius once more at the end of July, this might just give us a little preview of the uplifting energies yet to come once Jupiter settles into Pisces once more on December 30th. The main message with this one is - keep the faith.

We get some more Gemini action going when the Sun enters Gemini on May 20th. While the sun is here, we can expect an increase in the information coming at us and the need for communication to be prominent. This is a time for learning new things and sharing what you learn. It is a very busy time intellectually and can be a great time for fun and games! Look at your chart to see which area is ruled by Gemini to see which area of your life will be highlighted with new information this month. If you need help, book your appointment with me and Iā€™ll be happy to explain it all.

On May 23rd Saturn goes retrograde in the sign of Aquarius until October 10th. Look to see which house is ruled by Aquarius in your chart to see how this affects you personally. Saturn retrograde can be a time when we are forced to rethink our direction in life and to examine the structures in our lives to see what needs to be adjusted or eliminated. Saturn represents our ambition as well as our limitations and its energy can sometimes be felt as a bit of a downer, but this neednā€™t be a bad time for you if you pay attention to the lessons this planet brings to your life. The retrograde period can be a good thing as it gives us opportunities to get real and see how the work needs to be done in order to accomplish our goals.

Saturn wants you to succeed and to achieve your dreams, but it also requires dedication, discipline, determination and a degree of pragmatism in order to achieve them. The problem comes when our pragmatism turns into pessimism and we can no longer feel the inspiration to achieve our dreams because we tell ourselves we are ā€œjust being realisticā€. Pay attention to how you feel when you are ā€œjust being realisticā€ and you can tell whether or not you are using the energies of Saturn to help you or hinder you. Saturn can sometimes bring a dark cloud to our optimism with its practicality, so by paying attention to how you feel, you will be able to tell when you are allowing the dark cloud to cast a shadow on your dreams and therefore putting a stop to them or if you are being practical and realistic enough to know that certain adjustments might be required before you can reach your goal. If you feel sad, defeated and ready to give up on your goal, then you most likely are letting the dark cloud influence your vision. One of the best things you can do when this happens is to go and talk to an elder or an expert or someone whom you consider more wise than you on the subject and get their advice (Saturn rules traditions, experts, wisdom and elders). Oftentimes they can see the dark cloud for what it is when you cannot, so it is wise to take their point of view under consideration.Ā 

On a global scale, the Saturn retrograde can be a period of time when we see traditions and the structures in our system undergo a major overhaul. This has been the theme for the past couple of years thanks to all this planetary energy bringing in the energy of change, but this time around we just might see some more literal tearing down of structures. As we usher in the new era of the Age of Aquarius, our planet is seeing some major events taking place as the people begin to wake up to what has been going on in the world. Change is inevitable, especially this year and with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, we are seeing social issues getting some big time restructuring! And donā€™t forget, Aquarius is the sign of both the rebel and the People. Saturn in Aquarius demands a restructuring of our society and the retrograde period ushers in more change!

On May 26th, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. This is happening at 5 degrees Sagittarius. This is some wonderful energy for problem solving, for speaking from the heart, and for taking chances on our dreams! With all the opposing energy of Gemini happening at the same time though, we might just see our belief systems triggered with the advent of new information coming at us. But thankfully Gemini and Sagittarius are mutable signs, giving way to the ability to adjust and adapt swiftly. The best advice on this one in your personal life is to go with the flow! Lunar Eclipses hold a lot of power so look to see which area of your chart is ruled by Sagittarius to get a better idea on how to use this energy to help you release your blocks or come see me and Iā€™ll explain more.Ā 

In numerology, May 2021 is a number 1 universal month. This is a time for new beginnings, for fresh starts and for taking action in our lives. If you have been feeling stagnant and unable to get moving, use the number 1 energy to help motivate you towards your personal dreams and vision for your ideal life. In a universal year of number 5, the number of freedom, adaptability and change, this is a time to focus on those things that need to change in order for you to feel your individual freedom. Sometimes a number 1 month can feel overwhelming but if you take the time to focus on yourself and your own personal goals, you can start by taking one step at a time and before you know it, you are moving forward once again and feeling on top of the world!

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal so planetary transits and numerical influences like the ones described above will affect each one of us differently according to our own personal charts. To see how it affects yours, book your appointment with me. Donā€™t forget I can do phone and video readings! For more details, click the button below or reply to this email and Iā€™ll get back to you as soon as I can.Ā 

Over all, May 2021 looks to bring news and changes and the need to be able to flow with these changes. All this mental activity might wear you down though so be sure to take a lesson from Taurus and get yourself grounded every now and then by taking a walk in nature, stopping to smell the flowers and remembering to enjoy the little moments. Meditation helps with all the mental stimulus, even if itā€™s just 5 minutes a day! If you would like some help on this, check out my post on A Simple Mindfulness Meditation and you can start enjoying the benefits right away or book your appointment with me and I will be happy to teach you different forms of meditation to help you in your life.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 

Take care of yourself and may the stars guide you!


The Laughing Gypsy


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others donā€™t quite get you. If you donā€™t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and Iā€™ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding 7,8,9. Challenging 22,23Ā 

TAURUS: Rewarding 10,11. Challenging 24,25

GEMINI: Rewarding 12,13,14. Challenging 26,27

CANCER: Rewarding 15,16. Challenging 1,2,28,29

LEO: Rewarding 17,18,19. Challenging 3,4,30,31

VIRGO: Rewarding 20,21. Challenging 5,6

LIBRA: Rewarding 22,23. Challenging 7,8,9

SCORPIO: Rewarding 24,25. Challenging 10,11

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 26,27. Challenging 12,13,14

CAPRICORN: Rewarding 1,2,28,29. Challenging 15,16

AQUARIUS: Rewarding 3,4,30,31. Challenging 17,18,19

PISCES: Rewarding 5,6. Challenging 20,21

EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: For locals, please join me for my free Moon Meditations! I plan on doing this on or around the New and Full Moon every month. Learn more about astrology and yourself. If you register and I have your birth chart, I will take a look at your personal chart and let you know how you can use each Moon phase to help you in your life. I only have seating for 7 people however, so act fast! Registration is required and there will be a waitlist. Register for May events on my website.

MAY READING SPECIAL - $80 Guided Chakra CleansingĀ 

The chakra system is how your unique life force flows through your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. If one or more of the chakras is blocked, it can manifest in many different ways in our lives, creating mental, emotional and physical pain. This reading and guided visualization is designed to help you identify and remove the personal blocks in your chakra system in order to facilitate your healing and allow the free flow of life force energy to run through you once more. Use coupon code: 21CHAKRAS to book this 90 minute reading for $80 this month only!Ā Ā Ā 

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