Subject: March astrological forecast ♓🔮♈

MARCH 2024 Forecast


I have felt for a long time that the month of March marks the shifting of energies. It’s the end of an old zodiacal cycle and the beginning of a new one. Because of this, March has always felt like the new year to me, not January. That being said, when I tune into the energy of the year 2024, I see a shift happening around the Spring Equinox, at the beginning of a new astrological year. I feel like things are about to get even more chaotic in the world. Now more than ever, it is crucial for each and every one of us to find spiritual guidance through deep connection with Spirit.

As society goes through the turmoil of transformation, you will find your peace if you go within and listen with your Soul to the guidance that is best for you. Keep that in mind as we progress through the year and “the powers that be” do everything they can to remain in control. Or I should say “the powers that were” as things are shifting rapidly and those who were once in power will not remain in power as the planet Pluto is going through his final stages of the sign of Capricorn this year, tearing down old hierarchies and any governmental structures that don’t support the forward movement of the planet and its people.

Translation, it’s gonna be a little crazy for a while, hang in there and get spiritual so you have guidance! If you need help with that, come see me for some spiritual life coaching. I’m happy to help you.

As for the month of March, we have a few things to keep in mind in the skies. Starting on March 9, Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and transportation enters the fiery sign of Aries and will remain in Arie all the way until May 15th! This is because we have a MERCURY RETROGRADE happening on April 1st at 27 degrees of Aries. Mercury will retrograde to the 16th degree of Aries before going forward again on April 25th. For March, you can best use this energy to begin new projects that should or that you want to end quickly. Short distance trips and mental tasks are especially appropriate for this (tax preparation comes to mind) but your personal chart may hold additional clues on how best to use this. If you know your chart, look to see which house is ruled by Aries to know where in your life that you will need to spend a little more time refining. For April, it’s best to not start anything new, make big purchases or decisions, or go on trips if you can help it. Come see me for an astrological reading to see how this might impact you personally.

On March 10th, we have a New Moon at 20 degrees of Pisces. This is typically a dreamy and kind of lazy moon, best used for creative or spiritual work. This is an excellent time for psychic work, dream work and meditation. Emotions might be a little more sensitive at this time though, so be kind to everyone (including yourself!) and it should work a little smoother.

On March 11th, Venus, the planet of love, money and desire enters the sign of Pisces and stays there until April 5th. Venus is exalted in Pisces, that’s astrology speak for it is expressed very well! It’s a positive influence for doing all kinds of beautification. This is also a very romantic and imaginative energy. It’s an excellent time for romance and a great time for doing creative work.

On March 19th, the Sun enters the sign of Aries until April 19th. While the Sun is here, it is a good time for looking at the areas of your life where you need to be more daring, brave or willing to take a risk. Aries encourages us to follow our instincts, to be brave and take a chance, but it doesn’t always slow down to consider the consequences. The best use of this energy is to formulate a plan and then begin taking action instead of the other way around (the other way around is Aries’ modus operandi). Look to see which house is ruled by Aries in your chart to know what area of your life is currently being highlighted by the Sun. This is an area of focus for the month.

On March 22nd, Mars, the planet of action, drive and ambition enters the passive sign of Pisces. Mars isn’t at it’s most active in this watery sign, but it is an energy that can be tapped into for motivation to make changes for more meaningful stuff in your life. This is a spiritual warrior energy that preserves its energy until the time is right. Don’t be surprised if you find your physical energy shifting with this one.

On March 25th, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees of Libra. This can be a heavy one! Libra moon is very much about harmonizing with other people and the Aries Sun is about the self, so you can see where conflict might arise. The key with Libra is balance. Look to see where in your life things feel unbalanced to begin to utilize this energy for its benefits. Then ask yourself some questions about this issue; what sort of thoughts or beliefs might create or attract this circumstance? Do you have limiting beliefs about something, yourself or another person? Are you selling yourself or another short by not recognizing your or their value? Are you placing unrealistic expectations on yourself or others?

Discovering what you actually feel, think and believe about things, yourself or others is the first step in beginning to make positive changes in your life. For you are the creator of your life and if you don’t like the way something is going, you must be willing to change the way you look at it before it can change. If you discover a limiting belief, then take some time to find its opposite thought or something more in line with what you actually do wish to experience, then practice that positive thought instead. Your subconscious will take that as programming and will help you to create that change.

This Full Moon eclipse just might bring an opportunity for refining what you want with your relationships with others, or it might bring a challenge to overcome old habits and create something new, or it could bring up issues that you have not been able to handle before or it could simply highlight an area of your life that needs balancing. Either way, remember that you have all the guidance and wisdom you need within you. Take the time to slow down and listen and you will know what to do.


In numerology, the month of March 2024 is an 11/2 month. It is written with the slash between the 11 and the 2 for a reason. This is because 11 is a Master Number in numerology but it can also be combined and utilized through the energies of the number 2 (the number 11 can be seen as 1+1 = 2 in numerology). The number 11 is a very spiritual number. It brings spiritual messages and it awakens you to a spiritual reality which surrounds you. The 11:11 phenomena is a spiritual call for Awakening to the Spirit within you. At its best, the 11 is an energy encouraging us to seek and speak our truth, to work with others while at the same time maintaining our individuality. However at the 2, the energy reduces to act more as a harmonizing and balancing energy to assist us in working with others.

I feel that the month of March will bring many spiritual messages to us. Many people are Awakening to what is happening on the planet but I feel we are about to see another big wave of people waking up spiritually this year. We must be grounded in our spiritual strength if we want to be of good use in this time. I encourage you to listen to your heart, listen to the little voice within you so you will know what you must do to be the best version of you during all this. The world is shifting, ending in some ways and this is a good thing. It is time. Mother Earth is evolving and we are given a choice to evolve with her. To evolve with her, we must become more spiritually aware and focused as both individuals and as a collective.

I hope the month treats you well. If you’re feeling up for it, come join us for our mediations. We guide you through a meditation then afterwards we talk about the current energies in the world. Then stay and socialize with us if you like and meet some new friends! I hope you can join us. This month is my birthday month (I’m a Pisces) and one of our meditations happens to fall on my birthday, March 15th! We are going to have a special potluck that night so I hope you can join us. Be sure to check out my event calendar to see what’s coming up and as always,

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique

MARCH COUPON - $25 off all 90 minute readings in March!

For my newsletter subscribers only, you may use this special coupon code when booking to save $25 off your 90 minute reading with me in the month of March: MARZO24. No matter what kind of reading, if it is for 90 minutes, this coupon code is good for it. Coupon codes may not be combined.


Join us for our free guided meditation events! We will guide you on a different themed meditation each time followed by a short spiritual discussion on whatever I’m inspired to talk about that night! Then we will enjoy some snacks while we shop and socialize. Brandon and I give you a special 15% off all store merchandise the night of the meditation. It’s sort of like a church service for people who don’t fit into conventional churches. I hope you can join us!

This Month’s Meditations are:

Friday, March 1st, 6 pm - 7:30 pm

Friday, March 15th, 6 pm - 7:30 pm - IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!


Please RSVP so we know how much food to bring. Meditation starts around 6:10 pm and the doors are locked during the meditation. Parking is available outfront, near the coffee stand or across the street. Feel free to bring a food or beverage to share with us! Our meditations are free but store purchases and donations are greatly appreciated. Please quiet cell phones during meditation. Ages 16+.

**NEW! Past Life Regressions With Brandon Knight**

Have you ever wondered…

  • About your soul’s history?

  • How many lives you have lived before?

  • Who in your life now have you known before? And how?

  • What lessons are you learning now in relation to your past lives?

  • And what your soul can tell you as guidance from these past experiences?

If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then I have good news for you!

I am happy to announce that my husband, Brandon Knight is recently certified as a Past Life Regressionist and is eager to put his skills to work assisting you!

In these private one-on-one sessions, Brandon guides you into relaxation and directs you on how to retrieve your soul’s information for the purposes of helping you live your best life. Learn about your soul’s history and discover more about yourself through these guided sessions.

I have done a few sessions with him myself and I have found it to be very beneficial and healing. I discovered the origin of some of my blocks and was able to successfully remove them after reaching a deeper understanding through my soul connection.

But don’t just take my word for it. Listen to what others have to say about their sessions with Brandon:

“Past life regressions are new to me. Was super excited to give it a try with Brandon. He makes the whole experience welcoming and comfortable! I have done 7 sessions so far. The whole experience is amazing! It's like you’re opening a new door in your subconscious deep within having to find puzzle pieces that you get to put together and heal on a soul's level. Would absolutely recommend trying a session out.” - Sarah K.

“Before my past life regression with Brandon, I was very anxious. Brandon helped me not only relax but helped me uncover many different past life experiences. He made me feel safe and comfortable throughout the session. I would recommend him to anyone wanting to take a deeper look inside.” - Yvette S.

Learning about your soul’s history can be a very enlightening and healing experience! If you’re interested in setting up your appointment with him, please fill out his online booking form here and he will get back to you via text as soon as he is able. I'm sure you're going to love it!


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. Plan ahead to take advantage of those days. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. Those are days to give yourself space.

If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 20,21 Challenging: 5,6

TAURUS: Rewarding: 22,223,24 Challenging: 7,8

GEMINI: Rewarding: 25,26 Challenging: 9,10

CANCER: Rewarding: 1,27,28,29 Challenging: 11,12

LEO: Rewarding: 2,3,4,30,31 Challenging: 13,14

VIRGO: Rewarding: 5,6 Challenging: 15,16

LIBRA: Rewarding: 7,8 Challenging: 17,18,19

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 9,10 Challenging: 20,21

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 11,12 Challenging: 22,23,24

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 13,14 Challenging: 25,26

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 15,16 Challenging: 1,27,28,29

PISCES: Rewarding: 17,18,19 Challenging: 2,3,4,30,31

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