March 2025 Astrological Forecast
This Month's Planetary Activity
3/1 - Venus Retrograde at 10 degrees of Aries
3/3 - Mercury enters Aries
3/12 - Saturn conjunct Sun at 20 degrees of Pisces
3/14 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 23 degrees of Virgo
3/15 - Mercury Retrograde at 9 degrees of Aries
3/20 - Sun enters Aries
3/29 - New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees of Aries
3/30 - Neptune enters Aries
Buckle up! This month is going to cause some major shifts. March’s energy is catalytic. This is the beginning of the intense energies I’ve been speaking about for years where our world faces major changes. This year is going to make history.
Personally I feel that the new year begins when the Sun enters Aries at the Spring Equinox. This is because this is the beginning of the zodiac and it always signifies a new cycle beginning. So the beginning of March holds the old energy from the last cycle while the Sun is in Pisces and shifts to the new energy after the Sun enters Aries. This is the astrological new year and it is a significant shift in energies.
This month we have two planets going retrograde, a lunar eclipse and an outer planet, Neptune, entering the sign of Aries, another major shifting of energies especially for the collective. This month is sure to bring some changes so take a lesson from all this Pisces energy and learn to let go of what needs to go while embracing the new things coming in, faithfully going with the flow.
We start the month off with Venus going retrograde on March 1st. Retrograde inner planets are always significant for changing energies, shifting priorities and reorganizing our lives. Venus retrograde can bring a change of heart, it can be a catalyst for change, it can activate issues surrounding relationships, finances, values and possessions.
This particular Venus retrograde is connected to the retrograde cycles of March and April of 2017 and March and April of 2009. If you have a personal planet or angle near the final degrees of Pisces and the first 10 degrees of Aries, you may recognize some themes from those times being repeated. Check your chart for 24 degrees of Pisces to 10 degrees of Aries to see what area of your life may need restructuring during this time. Come see me if you need help with this.
This is not a good time for making important decisions regarding your finances or your romances, this is a time for re-evaluating them. Avoid making important purchases or agreements at this time if you can. Venus will go direct once more on April 12th.
On March 3, Mercury enters Aries and the energy shifts. Any time a planet enters Aries, it signals a new cycle for the planet. Mercury’s energy is urgent, brash, impatient and bold under Aries. We may have a lot more to say with this and our words will most likely not be minced.
Mercury only reaches 9 degrees of Aries though before going retrograde on March 15th. Mercury going retrograde is always a test in patience but in Aries, it’s doubly so. This is not the best time to make any important decisions but if you need to clear the air with someone, now is the time. As with Venus retrograde, this is not a good time for making important decisions, big purchases or signing any agreements. I would wait until mid April before moving forward on anything important if you can manage it. This is also not the best time for traveling.
This is a good time for getting organized, cleaning up clutter, redoing things, rewriting things, revising things. It’s time to conquer your to-do list of those not so urgent but still important items. Mercury will go direct once more on April 7th at 26 degrees of Pisces. Again, check your chart for the last degrees of Pisces and first 10 degrees of Aries to get an idea of where your life might be affected. Contact me for an appointment if you need help with this.
On March 12th, Saturn will conjunct the Sun at 20 degrees of Pisces. This can be a time of “getting real” in our lives and being accountable for our actions. Sometimes it’s a wakeup call, other times it’s a reminder that we all have responsibilities and we will feel better if we just live up to our own expectations. What’s interesting to me about this conjunction is that the United States’ chart currently has a progressed Sun at the exact same degree. The Sun can represent leadership, government and the will of the people. Could this bring a reality check to our country about our government?
On March 14th, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 23 degrees of Virgo. It is a total eclipse so it is a deep feeling one and it’s a South Node eclipse, which usually means we will see resolutions to old problems. This could act as a powerful act of emotional release for some of us. If you’re feeling this one, spend some quiet time in meditation and reflection and check in with yourself about your emotional needs. Is there something that needs to be released? This moon encourages you to let it out and make room for the new.
On March 20th, the Sun enters Aries and we begin our new astrological year. This is an excellent time for taking charge in the area of your chart that is ruled by Aries. The Sun highlighting this area of your chart shows where you will be called to place your focus. Since we are also dealing with a Venus and Mercury Retrograde in the first few degrees of Aries, this just highlights this area even more! It’s time to make changes, there’s no avoiding it now.
On March 29th, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries at 9 degrees. This eclipse isn’t making a lot of close aspects to other planets but Mars, ruler of Aries, is looking pretty good as it’s playing nicely with Uranus in Taurus and the planets in Pisces right now. This is just another signal of changes and another catalyst for making changes for the better! Take charge!
The following day, March 30th, Neptune enters Aries and this is a significant shift. Just minutes before it enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, it conjoins Mercury in retrograde motion at the final degree of Pisces (endings). Perhaps we are going to get a piece of information that changes things dramatically, an insight that inspires us to action or an epiphany that changes our vision, just as the planet of illusions begins a new cycle in the zodiac. Whatever it is, the effect will likely be impactful.
In the chart of the United States, this is a very sensitive part of the chart known as the Imum Coeli (IC) which shows how we as a nation relate to our homeland. I like to remain optimistic but this could shatter some illusions for many of us and it might be a difficult thing to process. On a more personal level, look to see which house is ruled by Aries in your chart to see where Neptune will be for the next 14 years or so. The past 14 years are now coming to a close as Neptune leaves Pisces and starts a brand new cycle.
In numerology, March 2025 is a Universal number 3 month. This is a very busy time as the number three rules: information, communication, social interaction, expression, creativity, joy and optimism. We will most likely be very busy with all the information coming at us from all the planetary activity this month and many people will likely be talking with their neighbors about the news. The higher energy of this number encourages us to remain hopeful and to get creative with our solutions and I think that is where I think we should focus ourselves, especially as times are confusing right now. But it’s important to remember that we create with our focus and our individual experiences can be good even when the world seems to be falling apart. So focus on what’s important to you, what you can control (which is only yourself) and where you want to go with your life. Your heart will tell you what to do, tune in and listen. Stay grounded, meditate, practice self care and come see me if you need some guidance. I hope you have a good month and as always…
May the stars guide you,
The Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique